
MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

621 respuestas
MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658
2 suscriptores
MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658
27 / 79

Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

ok igual hare saludos


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

Al Cesar lo que es del Cesar, que este hilo de Magyar, debería recoger la info de Magyar (rescatada del de SIC):

LONDON – 11 February 2013 – As part of the current strategic review of its capital structure, Magyar Telecom B.V. (the “Company”) is committed to full and open communication with its creditors and will seek the highest level of response from its noteholders to facilitate open communication and obtain their input during the ongoing review. The Company has therefore engaged DF King Worldwide to compile a list of holders of the Company’s notes to assist in this process and to improve investor communication channels.
The Company is requesting all holders of the following notes to disclose their identities and holdings of those securities to DF King Worldwide.
Common Code
EUR 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2016 (RegS)
EUR 9.50% Senior Secured Notes due 2016 (144A)
Holders are invited to respond to this request via one of the two options, below:
1. Provide the required information via their custodian bank to the relevant clearing system (Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as applicable) by means of the disclosure event in place by no later than the clearing system deadline; or
2. Provide the required information directly to DF King Worldwide, as per the instructions on, or directly to
[email protected]
The Company undertakes that all information received will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be used solely for the purposes of the Company and its advisers.
In case of any questions, please contact the Identification Agent:
Katerina Papamichael +44 20 7920 6910 [email protected]
Damian Watkin +44 20 7920 6904 [email protected]


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

Quiero entender que para los bonos registrados en Clearstream no hace falta esta comunicación, ya que nos tienen identificados. Correcto?


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

hombre no entiendo mucho del sistema de registro que tenemos pero puede que la empresa no tenga nombre y nominales. Puede que sea para ver si los tenedores estan en manos de fondos de inversión o de particulares como nosotros y hacernos ofertas más draconianas sabiendo que tenemos miedo.


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

Han ampliado el plazo para identificar a los bonistas. Se ve que no se han retratado muchos.


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

Tengo el bono de MAGYAR (comprado a 62).No me han informado de que deba dar datos sobre su posesion.Ocurre algo si no das tus datos?.La oferta que se supone que harian , no seria general para todos, o variaria entre particulares y fondos de inversion?.


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

Puedes esperar a que lo haga tu broker o banco, o informar a DFKing Worldwide facilitándoles el trabajo, que es una empresa que han contratado para esta gestión, que según dicen aquí van a apretarnos bien. Un saludo


Re: MAGYAR TELECOM 9,50% vto. 15/12/16 call 15/12/12 a 109.50% ISIN: XS0473176658

suele ser general. Pero creo que descubriendo quien son los tenedores del bono pueden inclinarse a una oferta u otra. Mi opinión claro.

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