
Participaciones del usuario Iipereii - Depósitos

Iipereii 13/05/24 08:30
Ha respondido al tema Cuenta Facto 2018
Buenos días, hoy se me terminava un depósito. Lo han devuelto correctamente con los intereses, y he probado de hacer la transferencia a la cuenta vinculada y de momento todo bien (supongo que en un par de días lo tendré ahí).
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Iipereii 10/05/24 11:46
Ha respondido al tema Cuenta Facto 2018
Intereses de depos sí. Lo que dice ahí son dividendos a los accionistas (que por cierto, pagaba mucho mejor que los depos) y bonuses a los empleados y directivos (esto último es una suposición).
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Iipereii 10/05/24 11:10
Ha respondido al tema Cuenta Facto 2018
Yo sinceramente estoy preocupado a medias. Por un lado el valor de cotización no debería de afectar al negocio de los depósitos directamente, a no ser que quebrara, cosa que dudo. Por otro lado, en el peor de los casos tenemos el fondo de garantía que nos cubriría. En este caso, perderíamos la rentabilidad del plazo que tarden en reemborsarlo.Personalmente, voy a reducir a la mitad mi exposición a este banco, a medida que me venzan los depos, hasta que no se aclaren las cosas.La parte positiva es que quizàs requieran de más cash para recuperarse y suban los tipos.
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Iipereii 10/05/24 09:54
Ha respondido al tema Cuenta Facto 2018
MILAN, May 9 (Reuters) - Italy's BFF Bank BFF.MI said on Thursday it had been instructed by the Bank of Italy to suspend dividend and bonus payments due to issues about the way it was classifying credits towards the state.Active in nine countries, BFF specialises in buying credits that companies have towards the public administration and the national health service. It expanded into depositary services following a 2021 merger with DEPObank.In reporting first quarter earnings, BFF said it had received on April 29 the outcome of an inspection the Bank of Italy had carried out up until January.The central bank told BFF the way it classified state credits was not consistent with the European Banking Authority's guidelines on how to apply the definition of default. Its concerns centred in particular on how the lender was calculating delayed payments.Shares in BFF were automatically halted from trading after falling 10.3%. By 1252 GMT they were indicated down 32%.BFF said it would have to illustrate to the Bank of Italy in July how it had addressed its observations.In the meantime, it will not be able to pay out any profits and will have to withhold bonus payments and freeze any foreign expansion in terms of new branch openings or offering its services in new markets.BFF said it could have to book provisions after changing the classification of the credits as suggested by the central bank and its risk-weighted assets could increase.However it added that it did not expect this to "substantially" affect its economic and financial prospects.
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Iipereii 21/06/23 09:38
Ha respondido al tema Cuenta Facto 2018
Alguien por aquí hizo el juego de palabaras de "ipso facto"... pues ya está en portada jajajaj
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