Can I manage payments and receive incoming funds from public institutions with my N26 account?
N26 is not a collaborating entity of Seguridad Social or the Agencia Tributaria, an essential requirement to process public aid. Therefore, it’s not currently possible to process these types of transactions with your N26 account. Although you currently can’t either pay your taxes from your N26 account (self-employed quota, VAT, etc.), or receive benefits (pensions, unemployment benefit, Minimum Life Income, etc.) you can receive tax refunds into it—for example, tax returns.
We’re working to offer a solution in the near future, and make our customers’ day-to-day easier.
What are the implications of N26 not being a collaborating entity with Seguridad Social and Hacienda?
As N26 is not a collaborating entity, your account has the following limitations:
- You cannot pay taxes to the AEAT (Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria).
- You cannot receive Seguridad Social benefits, including pensions, ERTE (Expediente de Regulación Temporal de Empleo), unemployment benefits, etc.
No acabo de estar seguro de que significa esto de cara hacienda. Habia pensado que tener un IBAN Espanyol es suficiente para operar sin problemas, pero parace que tendre lios de cara al IVA, IRPF, etc.
A ver si alguien puede arrojar algo de luz?