Re: Farmas USA
Yo estaba mirando para entrar, aprovechando que tienen aún bastante pasta de la IPO y está cerca de mínimos, y me encuentro esto de su último ER relacionado con las patentes y los costes que les acarrea, hasta el punto de superar los gastos en R&D:
General and administrative expenses increased by $8.9 million to $12.2 million for the three months ended June 30, 2016 from $3.3 million for the three months ended June 30, 2015. The $8.9 million increase in general and administrative expenses was primarily attributable to increases of $5.7 million in legal fees to support our patents, including costs for the prosecution and maintenance of our patents as well as to procure the application for and issuance of additional patents in the United States and other jurisdictions, $2.3 million in employee compensation cost, $0.3 million in consulting fees and $0.6 million in other general and administrative expenses.
No sé si es algo puntual, o algo que va a ser recurrente. Si esto último se van a dejar una millonada...