
Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
87 suscriptores
Farmas USA
14.833 / 17.059

Re: Farmas USA

Pasa al verde. De momento por los pelos.

Si te sientas en la mesa y no descubres al "primo" es que lo eres tú.


Re: Farmas USA

Bien esas TEVA dando continuidad a ese martillo que nos dejó ayer. Ajusto Stop y sigo con las dos posiciones en verde. Puse un TP en 9,89 por si hoy hiciera una locura....
NVAX no hace lo mismo que TEVA, me planteo recomprar las vendidas ayer. Orden a 3,74 de momento...

Re: Farmas USA

ABBV abandoned baby bullish antes de seguir? a ver como cierra, que parece que no baja

Re: Farmas USA

NVAX tienen cash para 10 meses, van a necessitar y tienen el s-3 listo,  hay catalysts cerca que mitiguen eso?? a lo mejor se ha hablado en su foro, iré a ver! 

Re: Farmas USA

Liquidadas en tablas las RDUS cuando su RSI 5 min rondaba los 80 …  las cambio por unas AMRN con el RSI 5 min en 12 a 18,97.
A RDUS ya volveré en cuanto se enfrie la cosa en dicha temporalidad o si veo que procede al giro MCD 1h bullish … no mato por ella, me vale mas haber sabido aguantarla aun con los dos últimos horribles velones diarios que llevaba … que el año pasado ya me hubiera rajado con el asusta-viejas.

En esa misma temporalidad, las NVAX han hecho doble toque en su retroceso fibo 61.80% en 3,78 de la subida de ayer … por ahora vale, bien … veremos … aquí no voy con stop ni físico ni mental, será lo que tenga que ser. 

TEVA … en ruta. La resistencia de la bull flag que pinte antes anda rondando los 9,9x … ahí veremos que pasa ...

IBB proyecto de martillo … XBI proyecto de martillo cabezon ... vamossss trata de arrancarlo …. 
SPY … kk por ahora ...

y fuera del sector solo me he pillado unas DELL

asi que 
Corto: RGLS


Re: Farmas USA

En este trimestre NVAX tiene que publicar los resultados de la Fase 3 del Nanoflu. Es evidente que si son positivos tienen que aprovechar para vender acciones, al mercado o mediante una colocación institucional  para conseguir Cash. 

Re: Farmas USA


 summary results from its exploratory clinical study of the intravenous administration of MultiStem® cell therapy to treat patients who are suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Participants in the MUST-ARDS study were evaluated through 28 days for the primary clinical assessment and further assessed through a one-year follow-up period 

  Highlights from the new and previously disclosed data include: 

  • Previously observed lower mortality for MultiStem-treated subjects compared to placebo (particularly among the prospectively defined subset of more severe ARDS patients) persisted out to one-year of follow-up;
  • Day-365 Quality of Life (QoL) outcomes, assessed by the EQ-5D, were meaningfully better among all survivors who received MultiStem treatment compared to those who received placebo;
  • Within the prospectively defined group of patients with more severe ARDS, MultiStem treatment was associated with a markedly greater rate of survival and progression to functional independence at one year (i.e., self-care);
  • As measured at day-28, MultiStem treatment was associated with a higher mean ventilator-free day (VFD) score of 12.9 vs. 9.2 in the placebo group, and a higher mean intensive care unit (ICU)-free day score of 10.3 vs. 8.1 in the placebo group;
  • As measured at day-28, among more severe ARDS patients, mean VFD in the MultiStem subgroup was 14.6 vs. 8.0 in placebo subgroup. Mean ICU-free days were 11.4 vs. 5.9 for MultiStem and placebo recipients, respectively;
  • Lower inflammatory cytokine levels at day-7 in the MultiStem group relative to the placebo group, including IFNg, IL-6 and IL-1b among others, suggest the potential for MultiStem treatment to abate the severe inflammatory response associated with ARDS; and
  • MultiStem treatment was well tolerated in this very sick ARDS patient population, with no serious adverse events related to administration through one year of follow-up.

 The MUST-ARDS study was designed to evaluate the impact of MultiStem treatment in subjects with acute onset of moderate to severe ARDS and was conducted at sites in the United States and United Kingdom. Treatment was required to begin within four days of ARDS diagnosis with an average treatment time of approximately two days from the diagnosis. In the Phase 2a portion of the study, 20 subjects were treated with an intravenous administration of 900 million MultiStem cells and 10 subjects received placebo; the study was not powered for the efficacy outcomes. Based on the study results, the Company is planning further development in this area and intends to submit for publication the detailed study data.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»

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