
Farmas USA

136K respuestas
Farmas USA
87 suscriptores
Farmas USA
15.538 / 17.059

Re: Farmas USA

¿A qué precio la llevas? ¿Cuál es tu PT? La tengo en la lista de las que quiero mirar en más profundidad, la llevan las de bioinvest y le dan un PT de 25. No sé si has visto esto de Cowen, le dan para los datos de septiembre un +100% y -5%...

MYOV continues to execute at a high level with their most recent announcement that the NDA for its relugolix combination tablet (relugolix 40 mg, estradiol 1.0 mg, and norethindrone acetate 0.5 mg) for the treatment of women with heavy menstrual bleeding associated with uterine fibroids (UF) has been accepted for review by the FDA.

The agency has set a PDUFA date of June 1, 2021. In its acceptance letter, the FDA also stated that it is currently not planning to hold an advisory committee meeting for this application. This makes complete sense to us given the excellent safety profile and strong efficacy that relugolix has demonstrated in a broad range on clinical trials and disease indications.

The Company also expects to present data from the UF cohort in the prospective observational bone mineral density (BMD) study in Q3:20. This data could serve as a nice catalyst as will reinforce the value and In addition to the BMD study readout in UF, in our view, the castration resistance-free survival data from 434 men with metastatic prostate cancer enrolled in the HERO program also has the potential to be a significant near-term catalyst. This data has the potential to show superiority to existing GnRH injectable drugs which would further expand the market opportunity.

We except the prostate cancer approval to occur in Q4 possibly before the December 20, 2020, PDUFA date. MYOV remains one of our 2020 Picks of The Year.

MYOV is a BUY under 17 with a TARGET PRICE of 25

Como negativo he visto en IV alguien que dice que no le dan muy buena espina las empresas del famoso inversor indio:

Most of the "-vant" companies of that hindu younger businessman are focused on "me-too" drugs.
Regulolix will compete with other oral GnRH drug.
On Urovant (a parent urology company) they also pursued a beta3-agonist facing the already commercial Mirabegron.
They follow the Axsome structure that we already know you love.
On the other side, they had an interesting program on Dopamine-Lentivirus-Parkinson in Axovant, and took all the LNP from Abus to pursue Gene Therapies.


Re: Farmas USA

Te acompaño en esta,,
Veo que me han entrado a 2.60  2K cromos

Re: Farmas USA

Añadidas otras pocas a $83.7.

Y justo antes del casi -30% BMY.RT a $2.72. Muy poquitas porque es un riesgo bastante asimétrico y no hay mucho plazo. He dejado una order para promediarlas a $2.4 o así.
0 o 9. Aquí me baso en lo que lo ha estudiado y lo fuerte que va.

Había puesto varias órdenes a BTAI, FATE, ACAD, YMAB y BPMC porque se estaban acercando al precio que tenía marcado pero se ha dado la vuelta otra vez...

Re: Farmas USA

yo me lo estoy pensando lo de NVAX, voy a esperar a ver que vela diaria deja finalmente al cierre
No he seguido la sesion pero veo que ha respetado el soporte de la cuña ( la he movido una miaja ) y no ha querido terminar de cerrar el gap. Cada vez pinta mejor para un rebote.

desde las 20h estoy viendo una flojera general ... a ver como acaba la cosa, a ver  a  ver ... 

Re: Farmas USA

Joer cómo afinaste. A $84,1 he entrado yo con unas pocas.


Re: Farmas USA

Las llevo sobre los 15s
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