
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
3.572 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Y olvidadizas Ana....sobre todo que sean olvidadizas.
Que si se acuerdan de tu teléfono es un rollo.


Re: Farmas USA


Re: Farmas USA

Hoy san viernes habe como se comporta nuestra arna,tengo esperanza de verla la semana que viene en torno a los 9,40.


Re: Farmas USA

"In response to a question posed at Elan's (ELN) Annual Meeting regarding the potential for an acquisition of Amarin (AMRN), Elan said it had diligently pursued all its avenues for use of the funds obtained in its deal with Biogen (BIIB). Elan added that Amarin is "still an opportunity we are considering."

Si he entendido correctamente dice que han hecho recuento de los fondos que han obtenido de su trato con Biogen, es decir, que han juntado todos los doblones para ver cuantos tienen, no?


Re: Farmas USA

Un post usano que me ha parecido interesante, nada mas.

"Yesterday was the best day of news for AMRN I have ever seen. It even dwarfs the ANCHOR phase III trial results, (but of course not in the PPS for now). First, we get JZ's clever response to Summer Street, hardcore data. We already Vascepa helps reduce triglycerides 65% more than on statin alone, now we know if does even more extensive work with reducing low density lipoprotein particles than ever previously reported. So ANCHOR is an even stronger candidate for approval in December, an incredible development just 6 months away from December 20th. In the same swoop at the NLA AMRN drops the bomb, they are conducting further studies on pharmacokinetic data showing the lack of drug-drug interaction when Vascepa was administered with atorvastatin, (Lipitor!) This is a connect the dots moment. Hmmm, AMRN has chosen to spend time and money on a combo that Pfizer has quite a stake in having. Could that explain why AZN, jilted and knowing about AMRN's shirk, decided to grab OMTH? Actually this first news story of the day about data presented at the NLA was by far the most important news; however, the second piece of news was completely out of the blue. ELAN's CEO saying his company was eyeing an opportunity with AMRN was not something expected. I guess the shorts out there could rationalize the ELAN news, wrongly thinking such a relatively small biotech could only pay a small price to pick up the AMRN company. They forget about partnerships and the possibility that ELAN could split the MARINE, ANCHOR and Reduce-IT revenues with AMRN while paying a nice price of say a billion dollars with future payments based on milestones. That billion would give AMRN the ability to go DTC sooner, fund many other studies and rule the world with combo pills. Pfizer and many other BP are threatened now with the removal of Vascepa from their worlds forever. The time to pay the price is now."