No se si será de alguna ayuda pero yo he encontrado este competidor. Igual sirve para coger alguna referencia:
DBV Technologies S.A. (DBVT). Biotech francesa.
Salió al Nasdaq en octubre de 2014. Casi ha doblado precio de salida y hoy capitaliza 1.540 millones de dolares.
Tiene una plataforma Viaskin para alergias. He visto cuatro productos basados en su plataforma Viaskin. Esta plataforma son parches que se pegan a la piel y administran el antialérgico directamente en ella sin pasar por el torrente sanguineo, al parecer minimizando el riesgo de reacciones graves y maximizando su eficacia:
- Viaskin Cacahuete: empieza una fase 3 en niños a finales de este año. Tiene el estatus de Fast Track.
- Viaskin Leche: terminada fase 1.
- Viaskin Ácaro del polvo: preclínico terminado.
- Viaski Huevo: preclínico en proceso
Una pagina con algo de info de esta:
Otra página que enlazaba la primera , informacion del mercado potencial de las alergias alimentarias en niños en USA : The Economic Impact of Childhood Food Allergy in the United States.
Results The overall economic cost of food allergy was estimated at $24.8 (95% CI, $20.6-$29.4) billion annually ($4184 per year per child). Direct medical costs were $4.3 (95% CI, $2.8-$6.3) billion annually, including clinician visits, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations. Costs borne by the family totaled $20.5 billion annually, including lost labor productivity, out-of-pocket, and opportunity costs. Lost labor productivity costs totaled $0.77 (95% CI, $0.53-$1.0) billion annually, accounting for caregiver time off work for medical visits. Out-of-pocket costs were $5.5 (95% CI, $4.7-$6.4) billion annually, with 31% stemming from the cost of special foods. Opportunity costs totaled $14.2 (95% CI, $10.5-$18.4) billion annually, relating to a caregiver needing to leave or change jobs. Caregivers reported a willingness to pay of $20.8 billion annually ($3504 per year per child) for food allergy treatment.
Conclusions and Relevance Childhood food allergy results in significant direct medical costs for the US health care system and even larger costs for families with a food-allergic child.
Food allergy is a growing public health concern in the United States that affects 8% of children.1 Childhood food allergy results in significant direct medical costs to the health care system and imposes substantial costs on families. Direct medical costs to the health care system stem from office visits, rescue medications, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations. Costs borne by families include medical and nonmedical expenses, specifically out-of-pocket, lost productivity, and opportunity costs.