
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
956 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Sería muy bruto pensar que quieren cerrar el gap? Y ahí ponerse a acumular como hacen con thld.


Re: Farmas USA

La cuestión es... cual? El de hace 10/15 días y volver a 6 euros? Porque es realmente el GAP que veo... Yo creo que están intentando asustar al personal y el lunes comenzará a volar... mes nuevo, trimestre nuevo, etc.


Re: Farmas USA

Todos vemos como estan castigando todas las noticias ARNA, pero se han beneficiado mucho VVUS, y OREX, no se en mi opinión si ARNA reacciona igual de bien con las otras dos aprobaciones puede ser brutal y los "analistos" pueden tener un fregao tremendo a cual de las tres la disparan.
Hay gente que tiene la gran suerte que les pagan un montón de pasta por buscar los defectos en vez las virtudes, la humanidad se llama así por innovar, investigar e "intentar" dar las mejores soluciones a los problemas de las personas, y si todos ponemos algo de nosotros seguro que iríamos mejor, pero es que no estamos en el lado oscuro. Un saludo muy fuerte a tod@s.


Re: Farmas USA

Yo me pregunto hasta donde la hubieran bajado si en vez de si hubiera sido no...


Re: Farmas USA

Bruto no lo se, pero hoy las manos fuertes han vendido a saco en ARNA.
Seguro que hay muchas posiciones cortas, pues el Koncorde dice que se están marchando.
No quieren que suba, de momento.

Sin embargo en OREX, ha sido alguna mano fuerte la que ha entrado como nunca habían entrado. Atention !
Lo de hoy ha sido a conciencia.
Podria ser como dijo MAESE y recordo jleón. A partir de 5 $ suelen entrar los peces gordos.


Re: Farmas USA

ARNA se disparará... simplemente quieren acojonar al personal... Es lógico que haya noticias que la critiquen... hoy en día se critica todo... energía nuclear, redes eléctricas de alta tensión, antenas de telefonía móvil y hasta tanatorios he visto...
Se hacen concentraciones contra todo lo que se mueve xD.


Re: Farmas USA

Pongo esta farma que en su dia jorge A recomendo y que podrian darle el visto bueno, es una otc y poco capital....paso la info

Alert..bought TLON Some DD attached. PDUFA date for Marqibo is August 12th 190,000 shares have traded thus far with 5 hrs 30 min left in the trading day. I think that the stock has strong upside into their August PDUFA date and think the decision will be made on Friday Aug 10th. I like the risk/reward here at this price level. TLON PDUFA date of Aug 12th falls on a Sunday. Now TLON is exactly 30 trading days away from their PDUFA date as it will most likely be decided on Friday Aug 10th. This PDUFA date is the one traders will be trading from now into August. The other is GILD and it is over $50 share and their date is Aug 27th which is closer to September. I don’t think investors will see a major pullback here as it is too close to the PDUFA date and volume has been over 100K for the past 4 days with 750K on 6/27. That is the most volume since May 7th extension announcement where it traded 1.54m shares. Talon received a 3 month extension & not a CRL after a positive AD-COM panel of 7 for/4 against/2 abstain in favor of the benefit vs risk profile of Marqibo. Marqibo dosed the first patient from their HALLMARQ study which was key before their PDUFA date .

The company has NO cash currently as the January financing was only suppose to last until May. Craig Carlson, CFO, touched upon this during the May 15th 1st Qrtr Financial Results Call. He stated:

”TLON is likely to require a small capital raise to provide sufficient cash to the end of Aug 2012 as the new PDUFA is Aug 12th.” at 7:50 mark of the conf call.
-They won’t require the 11m amount that they needed in January. This should have a minimal effect on share price.

Warburg Pincus is heavily invested in Talon & they are not going to let them fail prior to their PDUFA. The expectation is that Talon was going to have to tap Warburg Pincus again once the PDUFA date was extended from May 12th to Aug 12th. They had warned investors in their 10Q that they only had enough funding to last thru their original PDUFA date of May 12th. This capital raise (via preferred shares) is not a New revelation to investors but one that was expected to get them thru their Aug 12th PDUFA. A July financing would be small as the company is gearing up for an approval in August.

TLON Presentation..

Jonathan Leff is the managing director for Healthcare at Warburg Pincus . More importantly is he is a board member with Talon so he wants the company to succeed & has a financial stake in the company Jonathan Leff is a big & key player in the biotech industry who also knows Janet Woodcock very well, Head of CDER, of the FDA.

Jonathan Leff Bio:

Partnering for Cures Video:

July: PDUFA’s July 26th HZNP ($6.36) & AMRN ($14.32)
July 27th ONXX ($66.39), LGND ($15.62), PGNX ($9.18), SLXP ($52.61)

August: PDUFA’s Aug 12th TLON ($1.00) Aug 27th GILD ($50.37)

Sheff’s Take on Financing in July 2012. I discussed that they could possibly go back to Warburg if they used the money thru the May PDUFA. Because of the delay, they need a little more to carry them through August.

Regarding Financing thx to Brick1981.

Warburg has an option for more preferred shares pending approval which is outlined in Talons quarterly filings. Warburg gave Talon 11 Million in financing back in January to get Talon financed to the approval date. That financing gave Warburg the option to invest another 60 million at .35 cents a share which Warburg would receive preferred shares in return. As Warburg has done in the past their strategy is to get companies to FDA approval and they sell/partner off to Big Pharma. This seems to be the strategy here and Talon has mentioned partnerships in their recent Conference calls. They have also hired Thomas DeZao who worked with Howie Pien at Chiron Corporation which was eventually bought out by Novartis. In their PR for the hiring Talon's CEO states, "With Marqibo(R)'s PDUFA date of August 12, 2012, active partnership discussions, and ongoing Phase 3 trials in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and adult non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), Talon will greatly benefit from the addition of Tom's commercial, business development, and strategy experience." BTW Howie Pien was recently appointed to Talons Board of Directors.

Schedule SC 13G/A- Orbimed Advisors on 2/14/12 (4% ownership)

Talon Therapeutics Receives Notification of Three Month PDUFA Date Extension for Marqibo(R)


Re: Farmas USA

En principio, en cuanto revisen el PO alguna agencia importante basándose en unas estimaciones de mercado realistas y a medio plazo, tendría que pegar el petardazo.
Aunque les aprueben a OREX y a VVUS, yo creo que ARNA va por delante en todo, aprobación del medicamento, ensayos con mayor número de pacientes, mercado Europeo y por si fuera poco aparecen mucho mas en los medios que el resto.