
Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
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Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional
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Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Uf que rabia. Puse orden de compra a 0,70 e hizo el mínimo intradía en 0,703 !! No me entró la orden... :-( Ha cerrado en 0,77.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Yo ayer ya lo dije,si no me entraba la orden en CTYK a 0,70$ compraba al final de la jornada.Se esta posicionando para rozar el 1$ parece.

AONE tal como dije ha testeado resistencia para rebotar ,me escama mucho esta bajada,el indicador "manipulacion" me siguen indicando la entrada de manos fuertes desde que esta bajando la accion.

Indicador manipulacion:

Esto encontre en un foro de usa,lo pongo traducido: Wanxiang está ofreciendo $ 450.000.000 para el 80% de las acciones de FUTURO A123, que va a añadir la inversión, pero no la compra de 80% de participación en el mercado abierto. Eso suena $ 0.77 / s, pero si vive en AONE, es más de $ 4.00 / s.
Si el acuerdo se salta una Okay, AONE por encima de 1,00 dólares, supongo, de lo contrario, hacia el sur la espera de otra oferta o al final.

Texto original: Wanxiang is offering $450,000,000 for 80% FUTURE stake of A123, it'll be added investment but not buying 80% share in the open market. That sounds $0.77/s, but if AONE lives on, it's more than $4.00/s.
If the deal gets a okay, AONE jumps above $1.00, I guess; otherwise, going south waiting for another offer or the end.

Pues si se produce la compra,puede pegar un reboton de dos pares.Tambien me mucha tranquilidad que hay muy pocas acciones a corto.A ver que sucede.

La que ha pegado un buen rebote es PWAV de las primeras que puse,un 17,70%,yo le saque poco profit ayer.

PD:Siento,no estar mas por el foro,pero es que estoy enferiao en Malaga y de vacaciones,jeje.


Grafica AONE


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Parece ser que AONE y Wanxiang hablan/están hablando hoy sobre el acuerdo.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

ojalá se materialice, sería bueno para todos,más vale 1$ en mano que 4 volando jaja AONE


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

No sé que pensar, porque parece un ARNA, HZNP o AMRN nuevo, que tras buenas noticias cae.

500.000 acciones a 0.469$


A123 Systems (Nasdaq: AONE), announced the execution of definitive agreements with Wanxiang Group Corporation, which follows the non-binding memorandum of understanding (MOU) that A123 signed with Wanxiang on August 8, 2012. Wanxiang is China's largest automotive components manufacturer and one of China's largest non-government-owned companies. Under the terms of the agreements, Wanxiang plans to invest up to $465 million in A123, which includes an initial credit extension of $25 million that A123 expects to receive this week. The full investment from Wanxiang is expected to provide A123 with the capital necessary to strengthen the company's competitive position in the global vehicle electrification and grid energy storage markets.

Pursuant to the terms of the definitive agreements, Wanxiang would provide A123 with up to $75 million in initial debt financing under a Senior Secured Bridge Facility. In addition to the initial credit extension of $25 million, $50 million would be funded after the satisfaction of certain closing conditions. Subsequently, upon satisfaction of certain closing conditions, Wanxiang would purchase $200 million aggregate principal amount of A123's 8.00% Senior Secured Convertible Notes. The agreements also include the potential for Wanxiang to invest up to an additional $190 million by exercising the warrants that will be issued in connection with the Bridge Facility and the 8.00% Convertible Notes for cash. Incurrence of the remaining $50 million of loans under the Senior Secured Bridge Facility is subject to the satisfaction of certain approvals and conditions, including receipt of favorable determination from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States and receipt of Chinese government approvals. Issuance of the 8.00% Convertible Notes and the related warrants are also subject to additional conditions, including approval from A123's shareholders, termination of the Hart-Scott-Rodino waiting period, the conversion or redemption of all the outstanding 6.00% Senior Convertible Notes due 2013 and related warrants and the repurchase or retirement of at least 90 percent of A123's outstanding 3.75% Convertible Subordinated Notes due 2016.

If the entire amount of the initial debt financing is provided to A123, the 8.00% Convertible Notes are issued and the full amount of the warrants are exercised for cash, Wanxiang's total capital investment in A123 from these agreements would total approximately $465 million. The total amount of shares of A123's common stock issuable upon exercise and conversion of the warrants and 8.00% Convertible Notes would represent approximately 80 percent of the fully diluted common stock of A123 outstanding at that time.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Hoy hay mucho más volumen que ayer, pero apenas varía la cotización.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

El volumen de hoy esta siendo de 11 millones, frente a la media diara de 5.5, la empresa tiene una capitalización de 80 millones de $, y lo que hoy se ha "confirmado" es como decia Jarlaxe la inversión de 465 millones por parte de Wanxiang, de los que 15 millones se verían esta semana.

A ver como acaba la película.


Re: Chicharros USA - bolsa internacional

Hola a todos,pues si ya esta el acuerdo de Wanxiang Group Corporation con AONE,el cual ira ingresando pagos poco a poco.

La grafica,hoy con mas volumen,muestra mas subida de manos fuertes y el Money Flow apuntando para arriba con lo cual es buena señal.Yo de momento no me bajo del carro.

El Chaikin Oscilador muestra divergencia,señal alcista,tambien puede estar dandose un doble suelo,lo cual es alcista tambien,el doble suelo se confirma en semanas,no es un patron rapido.

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