
Carbures Europe

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Carbures Europe
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Carbures Europe
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Re: Carbures Europe: Empieza a demostrar

El lineal llegando mágicamente a China en 3, 2 ...
Los accionistas recibiremos información sobre el estado del lineal por el medio de comunicación que la junta directiva crea adecuada.
PD: y las piezas que hacen en China las montan aquí, no?
Todos los subconjuntos de la belly fairing del A350 XWB se pre-ensamblan en Airbus St. Nazaire (FR) y luego el conjunto "belly fairing" se envia a la FAL (línea de ensamblaje final) de Toulouse (FR) para su montaje al fuselaje.

Re: Carbures Europe

La noticia que ha salido publicado en el BLOG DE CARBURES es del año pasado;
制造中心总经理桂永受邀与哈尔滨卡普勒广联总经理Francisco Lopez Lobaton共同为空客A350机腹整流罩工作包的蜂窝首件交付仪式剪彩。
Olivier Guillon, GM of HMC, and Francisco Lopez Lobaton, GM of HCG, cut the ribbon for A350XWB Belly Fairing Honeycomb First Part Delivery
On September 2, 2015, Harbin Carbures Guanglian
Aeronautic Composite Materials Co.LTD (HCG) held the
A350XWB Belly Fairing Honeycomb first part delivery
ceremony at their plant.
Hafei Airbus Composite Manufacturing Centre General Manager
Olivier GUILLON, Contract Director Alastair VANCE, Quality Director
Manuel FERNANDEZ VIDRIE, Procurement Manager Xu Fujun,
Outsourcing Lead Manager Ana DE LEON GARRIDO and Supply
Chain Multi-Function Team attended this ceremony.
In the ceremony, Olivier Guillon was invited to cut the ribbon
together with HCG General Manager Francisco Lopez Lobaton and
representative of Guanglian.
HCG was awarded the A350 Belly Fairing honeycomb cutting work
package in October 2014. After receiving the Airbus Special Process
Qualifi cation in August, they were able to launch the manufacturing
activities and have been working closely with HMC since then.
HCG first part delivery is a meaningful milestone for both HCG
development and HMC outsourcing project, serving for the purpose
to increase the confidence in the HMC selected supplier and to
forecast further achievements in the HMC outsourcing projects.
HCG A350XWB Belly Fairing Honeycomb first
part delivered
As a company with strong sense of corporate social responsibility, Airbus continues the support to its long-term charity partner, Beijing Guang Ai School, a
non-profi t educational charity adapting orphans and homeless children national wide. To meet the winter needs of the School, Eric Chen, President of Airbus
China, accompanied by Lindsey Mi, VP Communication of Airbus China, visited the school and donated warm pants to students on November 6. All spending
on donations is coming from employees’ contribution on 2015 Chinese New Year Party Charity Bazaar. Master of the School Shi Qinghua received the
donation on behalf of the students and presented a printing drawn by a Guang Ai student to Eric Chen in return to thank Airbus.


Re: Carbures Europe

el modelo en cuestión;
Airbus’ A350-1000 Trent XWB-97 engine
begins fl ight-test campaign

The A350-1000’s new engine – the Rolls-Royce Trent
XWB-97 – has successfully made its first flight-test
aboard Airbus’ dedicated A380 “Flying-Test-Bed”
aircraft. The aircraft took off from Airbus’ facilities in Toulouse
and performed a fl ight of 4 hours, 14 mins during which the
engine covered a wide range of power settings at altitudes
up to 35,000ft. The engine’s operation and handling qualities
were evaluated from low speeds to Mach 0.87.
The Trent XWB-97 development engine was mounted on the
A380’s inner left engine pylon, replacing one of the aircraft’s
Trent 900 engines. The crew on board this fi rst fl ight were:
Airbus Experimental test pilots Etienne de Malleray and
Hugues Van der Stichel; Experimental Test Flight Engineer
Gerard Maisonneuve and Flight Test Engineers Emmanuele
Costanzo and Jean-Philippe Cottet.
Commencing around nine months prior to the A350-1000’s
fi rst fl ight, this engine fl ight-test programme will include hot
weather as well as icing condition testing campaigns.The
specially enhanced Trent XWB engine produces 97,000lbs
of thrust on take-off – making it the most powerful engine
ever developed for an Airbus aircraft.


Re: Carbures Europe

las entregas para el mencionado modelo aparecerán en la facturación del 2015..


Pero qué cojines....

....habéis hecho tanto escribir....mira que sois cotorras!!!!!....

.... :-( me había pedido escribir el mensajito 28571 :-( ... que es mi fecha....

....KOTORRASSSSSSSS..... entro y un tal "lonchas" ya se había sentado en mi butaca.......como te pille te voy a filetear.... :-(...lesbianito !!!!!!....


acabo de leer que Adrenalina es una chica????..... ;-).....

me pido primer para enamorarla ;-).... ...tronka.....y kiero esnifarte....tu jugo picante....uuuuhhhh...uuuuhhhh...pocas mujeres...tan guays como tú......y es que me veñias con las bragas en la mano y el calzoncillo en la cabeza....uuuhhhh uuuhhhh....


Re: Carbures Europe

Lo flipo...