
¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

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¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?
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¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?
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Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

Un valor que bajó tanto en la crisis y nunca se recuperó no me da confianza, entraría solo si está barato y con buenas perspectivas. Y ahora está caro, cayendo y con el mercado borracho. Soy novato, conste en acta, es solo por dar mi opinión. En todo 2013 y a principios de 2015 sí habría entrado. Ahora optaría por mantener. Aunque en realidad creo que recogería beneficios ahora mismo.

Pero vamos, como todos los valores, lo que haga el mercado de aquí a tres meses va a ser lo más relevante.


Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

Gamesa has completed overhaul and life extension upgrades to the Medicine Bow wind farm in Carbon County, Wyoming.
The work was completed for wind farm owner and investor Commonwealth Bay. The upgrade package includes a 15-year comprehensive operations and maintenance agreement.
The project included the application of Gamesa’s turbine overhaul and life extension programmes to the wind farm’s nine turbines, produced by another wind turbine manufacturer and with ratings from 600kW to 660kW.
Turbine overhaul uses the latest technology to change all the major electrical components and electronic systems of aging turbines.
At Medicine Bow the turbines were upgraded to 650kW and 710kW machines, increasing the original rated power for the wind farm by approximately 7.5%.
Gamesa will additionally operate and maintain the wind complex for the next 15 years.


Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

The 23 Vestas 400kW turbines will be removed from the 22-year-old project, and replaced with nine Gamesa G80-2MW turbines in 2016.

The repowering will double the project's capacity, using half the number of turbines, said the manufacturer. The current 23 Vestas turbines total 9.2MW.

Yorkshire Windpower, a 50-50 joint venture between E.on and Energy Power Resources, owns Ovenden Moor.

An 80-metre temporary met mast was installed at the site in March 2013 to help the project owners decide which turbines to use. Gamesa's G80 is designed for high-wind sites and has a cutout speed of 25m/s.


Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

Gamesa to carry turbine components through town
Credit: By Robert Barboza/Special Writer | Posted Jul. 31, 2015 | ~~
Acushnet residents who are up late shouldn’t be surprised to see or hear massive tractor trailers loaded with wind turbine components rumbling through town in the middle of the night over the next few weeks, Gamesa Corporation, the Spanish manufacturer of wind turbines, told selectmen July 27.
Gamesa said it would be bringing four industrial-sized turbines into the Port of New Bedford for installation at a site in Buzzards Bay. Company officials told selectmen the big trucks will be forced to transport some of the larger components through Acushnet.
Two of the four turbines have already been delivered to New Bedford and two others are in the process of being offloaded now, company representative Eric Gagnon said. He said because some of the components are too large to fit under the New Bedford-Fairhaven Bridge’s superstructure, they will have to be trucked over the Coggeshall Street Bridge.
Gagnon said because the trucks and trailers are too large to negotiate the narrow turn towards Route 6 in Fairhaven, they will be routed down Howland Road and Alden Road in Fairhaven, down South Main Street in Acushnet, turning around at the P.J. Keating asphalt plant before traveling back to Route 6.
Of the 24 trucks used to transport the components during the early morning hours, 16 would have to use the Acushnet route, Gagnon said. He said all the trucks will be accompanied by a state police escort and local police departments will be advised of the travel times and routes in order to coordinate traffic control.
Gagnon said the height of the trucks and the components they are carrying will also require some tree trimming along the planned routes and the temporary raising of some utility lines. He said each transport vehicle will be accompanied by a team of contractors able to repair any downed lines immediately.
Town Administrator Alan Coutinho asked the Gamesa Corp. representative to have the hauling company provide a certificate of insurance to the town “just in case something happens… so we know who to go after” for damages.
Gagnon said four trucks at a time would be the maximum number traveling through town on any given night. The convoys would probably start in mid-August, he told selectmen.
In response to questioning by Selectman Garry Rawcliffe, Gagnon said there is also the possibility that the shipments through Acushnet could become a regular occurrence, if the company gets more installation contracts in this part of the country. The Gamesa representative said the company has already done four projects in Massachusetts and more sales could bring more turbines through New Bedford’s new deep water port.


Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

Gamesa and Technical University of Madrid to develop a wind tunnel

30 July 2015

Gamesa, a global technology leader in wind energy, and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) have signed a memorandum of understanding for the joint design, development and operation of a high-performance aerodynamic testing tunnel in Madrid.

The facility is set to become a benchmark in Europe as it will enable the performance of extremely advanced aerodynamic, aeroacoustic and aeroelastic measurements. “This aerodynamic tunnel will be cutting-edge by any measure: there is no other facility in Europe in which all of these tests can be performed in combination, offering applications not only for wind power but also for the railroad and civil engineering industries”, said Carlos Conde, Dean of UPM. He went on to stress that “UPM is, without a doubt, the university institution best placed to carry out this initiative due to the numerous groups of researchers that have worked on advanced fluid mechanics and aerodynamics in recent decades.”

Meanwhile, Antonio de la Torre, Product Development Manager at Gamesa, explained that this new tunnel will allow the company to perform advanced full-rotor (three blades and hub) aerodynamic noise measurements, dynamic tests and simulations, all of which will help make its products more competitive, stressing that: “Until now we had to resort to university labs outside Spain to perform these tests. Once this facility is operative, we will be able to run these tests in Spain, which is where our R&D effort is based, underpinned by a staff of over 500 engineers”.

In addition, the facility, which will measure around 70 metres long and 50 metres wide, will enable static testing of turbine blades by simulating the incidence of wind from any direction and at any type of site.

The plan is that the tunnel, which will be managed by a trust comprising representatives from UPM and sponsoring companies such as Gamesa, will begin to operate during the last quarter of 2016.


Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

esta empresa no para nunca, ya la veremosn en 5 o 7 años a mas 30 euros


Re: Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?


Yo voy largo con gamesa via cfds en un spread donde tengo areva como pata corta.

No sé a que se debe la bajada ni me importa, probablemente expectativas muy altas, pero me da igual. Los resultados son muy buenos y el crecimiento se reafirma. Gamesa evoluciona favorablemente y así lo hará, tarde o temprano, la acción.


Nota: solar y eólica no son competencia entre sí ni incompatibles, por suerte.


Re: Re: ¿Por qué Gamesa sube sin parar? ¿Eso es normal?

A mí también me parece buena empresa Gamesa pero no entiendo este extraño. Prefiero esperar fuera.

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