
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

En rt???entonces para seguirlo en estricto directo???me pasaron este y tampoco se ve solo los volumenes.gracias


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Esta hoy el tema negro(rojo),y la verdad es que no lo entiendo,tendra el mercado descontado que nos dan 20$,es desesperante ver que nuestros enemigos flaquean,y que la cotizacion sigue para abajo,no hay duro para comprar o que.


¿Por qué caemos hoy

Sólo hay noticias positivas, ¿por qué caemos?



Jamie Dimon is in the biggest squeeze in his career and WMI isn’t his only problem. Smoke and fire are all around him and if that isn’t a sign that his days are numbered, I don’t know what is.

His involvements in other situations haven’t been “squashed” and are relentlessly moving ahead and what could be the most frightening is, the Senate Sub-committee, because anything can happen there with zealous Senators playing to their constituents and the world.

I have one eye on WMI and the other on Senate hearings, which I would like to be active in, as far as supplying information that WaMuer’s have to each Senator (more on that later). In a moment of digress, I would also like to mention, that I firmly believe that Weil & Assoc., have more damning evidence that has not been revealed in the same light that they have been engineering this sham MOR and POR. Weil/Quinn were given an OK by Walrath to pursue a “Tort” on the mere evidence that they had and in my opinion that was quashed by Rosen, as it would blow his self serving “deal“ with the bondholders and JPM, I believe the sham POR was constructed with a wink of Jamie’s eye.

Back to why,..because they have too !

JPM cannot afford under any circumstances to pay cash for all the stolen, misappropriated entities and assets that were shuffled over to JPM via the “FDIC Midnight Money Movers”..the value of these entities would be close to $30 to $50 billion with standard evaluations. That amount with negative leverage would be the big hurt to JPM’s tier level. More so, JPM can not afford to go to court, as that is a death wish, not only for Dimon and his minions, but possibly a mind boggling adjudication by the court that would make the company change its logo to WMB CHASE.

So, that leaves a paper deal, and why would that happen, because JPM is getting set up for the grand slam.
The EC backed by the shareholders and hedgies (important players) and other interested parties know how to squeeze his nuts by proposing a revitalized WMI, using assets, cash recouped (from JPM), Tax rebates, NOL’s, raised capital, etc and coming back into the arena with a clean and mean balance sheet. Could JPM just give shares, sure, (they would have to give 2 x shares for every dollar in cash, because cash is worth even more than that with banking leverage) but does JPM want to have a living WMI to haunt their image forever..?

The EC will pit JPM against “itself“, a new WMI would certainly be made up of “recouped” JPM assets,
and all the cumulative assets WMI already has. JPM robbed WMI/WMB and the spread between eating the whole enchilada or just part of the enchilada has it’s positives for JPM. It is worth more to eat the whole enchilada and save on the “volume of additional liquid assets and deals on NOL‘s etc.”, then have it parsed with WMI remaining a viable entity..and why would this come about..because it has too.

Hedge funds are in the business to make money, the paper business is a good business, low overhead, fabulous profits and they are in the position to “desire”..funny word to use when you deal with a shark, to either have enough JPM shares to choke a horse or have a refurbished WMI to compete with JPM, not to mention that WMI intact would have enough shares to demand a seat on the board of JPM..god forbid.

What’s the bottom line…with enough shareholders, funds, investors and hedge funds aboard the EC to provide maximum pain, JPM will have to pay decent amount of “shares” in addition to taking over all the former liabilities, (bonds, pfd’s, notes, etc.) and that’s how this story will end for WMI equity, however, not for Jamie he will still have his own battles elsewhere after resigning from JPM. Oh, about Sheila, she keeps the $1.9 billion as a token gift for Jamie fu*king her over and the irate bondholders, etc that she would have been responsible for…are now sucking on JPM’s tits!

I love “happy endings”…….


Re: ¿por qué caemos hoy

Hola ptolomeo te envie un mail a tu correo sobre wamu iel tema de las plataformas a ver si me puedes orientar en ello.

pues no tengo ni idea,eso es lo que me preocupa de la accion que no responda a su situacion/valor teorico.salud


Re: ¿por qué caemos hoy

De aquí al día 6 puede subir/bajar/mantenerse. Nada nuevo bajo el sol. No deberíamos preocuparnos tanto, pues tampoco ha salido nada malo y eso es hasta bueno.

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