
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.467 / 3.346

Re: Felicitaciones para todos los que han llegado hasta aquí !!

¿Y entonces cuál es el objetivo de ese trade?


Re: Una compra de 25.000 preferentes

Pues en el país vasco han aumentado el % a las sicav, y en lo que va de año se han marchado el 50% (a España) y para fin de año se prevee que se hayan ido el 100% de las SICAV vascas... justo hoy lo comentaban en la radio


Re: Una compra de 25.000 preferentes

Pues no tenia ni idea en la transicion con el concierto economico no pensaron en blindar a las SICAV???me extrañaroa que no lo compensaran con algo asi como trincar una parte importante del ingreso de las sicavs del resto de españa como si de una tarifa autonomica de irpf se ha sorprendido yo tengo a los vascos como intocables en lo economico ,es lo que tiene ser venir de los fueros jaja


Re: Una compra de 25.000 preferentes

Si pero por lo visto cuando los socialistas llegan al poder, se jode todo... jajaja


Re: Una compra de 25.000 preferentes

Parecemos los del foro wamu neo morfeo and company de matrix,si el sufragio se limitara a los de wamu de ranuia los psociatas no sacarian representacion ni en andalucia,solo por eso nos mercemos que nos paguen muchos pavos por las acciones por habernos tomado la pastilla (no se si era la roja o a la azul)que nos permite ver la realidad nuestro pastilla es la ausencia de apriorismo,la inteligencia y el pensamiento critico.

por cierto el ibex no acaba de hundirse......todavia


Re: Una compra de 25.000 preferentes

Joder Ten, escribes más raro que el Shylock, que por cierto, ¿dónde está?


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

Tengo entendido que hoy termina la "exclusividad".Me puede alguien decir si esto es cierto y tambien si hay Juicio.
En caso que lo hubiese a que hora seria aqui.(España).Gracias


Debtors EXCLUSIVITY PERIOD isEXPIRED - today last day

As of today May 26th, debtors NO LONGER have exclusivity for submitting a plan.....Competing plans from other committees can now be presented to the bankruptcy court and submitted for approval. What EC needs is a manner in order to evaluate the estates' assets...... Which through date has been repeatedly blocked by debtors/Rosen/Weil, JPM, FDIC.....

Susman continues to forge ahead and fight for a court apptd EXAMINER.....and it seems each day in passing strongly makes the case for this.....lets hope Judge Walrath has a change of mind on June 3rd.....If not, EC/Susman will press on in the 13thCirCofA.....

We all want PJS to be able to provide some basis for equity's position in valuing the debtors estate to show recovery to equity....However, with no cooperation from debtors for much need records/documentation/financials/assets we have no idea yet if this is at all possible.....
Maybe by PJS just viewing what debtors have provided in their filing, PJS can make a case to show the judge their deception in playing with the numbers....and of course their numbers are on assets that the court has not even been given the opportunity to rule yet if and what assets belong to the estate after 20 months.....

Also we are awaiting a ruling regarding an ORDER that will now come by Judge Walrath in regards to the compelling of WMI to call an annual shareholders meeting.... But there is still no gtee that equity by WaMuers have sufficient amount to oust the BOD.....(and I believe sneaky JPM through various methods have found a way to obtain a hefty position while avoiding the 5% reporting to the court issue)....

What would be most comforting is to hear Judge Walrath Deny the DS current amended plan by Rosen/Weil/debtors, change of heart regarding an EXAMINER....or some sign that the judge is willing to allow EC/Susman a fair opportunity in opposing the "special" and cozy agreement by Weil/JPM/FDIC since the court has allow equity representation by an EC.

WMB bondholders also will be filing a formal OBJECTION to the current debtors plan by Friday 28th and we will see Susman/EC's Objection to be filed by Friday.

Next week June 3rd....should be fireworks!!!

good luck..