
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.478 / 3.346

Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

Si se sienten acorralados no crees que siempre estan a tiempo de dar entre 0.5-1$ y que firmen todas las partes,no crees que tal como esta el si cobran los bonistas y al ec se le ofrece esto,no crees que se bajarian los pantalones y firmarian??


Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

Los bonos WMB no firmaran seguro y mañana presentaran su objecion al DS/POR antes del limite tal y como afirman en su escrito de objecion al Chapter 7 presentado hoy,en cuanto a las apelaciones lo bueno seria que THJMW desestimara las objeciones a la mocion del examiner y aprobara las objeciones del EC y WMB bonholders para pasar de Chapter 11 a Chapter 7

La objecion de las WAHUQ al plan de Rosen ha sido un verdadero jarro de agua fria
para los debtors,desde luego nadie lo esperaba,creo que ni incluso el mismo Rosen



Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

El tiempo apremia,el hearing es el 3 de Junio y este lunes es festivo en USA,poco tiempo queda ya para un verdadero "Global Settlement" donde esten representadas todas las partes en litigio,lo importante ahora es sumar esfuerzos
para objetar el DS/POR y conseguir que no salga adelante,luego ya habra tiempo para presentar POR alternativos y para sentarse a negociar



Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

Mañana subida notable entonces


Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

Gracias Futurecyborg por toda la info que estas compartiendo
clara y objetiva


Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

Gracias futurecyborg

¡¡¡MAXIMUNAE!!! ¿Ya la estás liando otra vez con las Hs?

ostris, he mirado la cotización de las Hs y en 3 semanas ha subido de 20 a 27$...¡¡un 35%!! Enhorabuena Maxi-el-que-las-recomienda-pillar-a-20...

Se supone que se pagarán a 34$, ¿no? (ese era el precio que pactaron). ¿ahora no les parece suficiente? Habría que tenerlo en cuenta porque dinero de más que pidan, dinero de menos que llegará a la equidad... (su face value era de ¿50$ tal vez?)

no sé, opiniones?


Re: 05/28/2010 Hearing (To Clear Things Up)

Pue si maximunae la ha clavado,de manera consistente durante este tiempo,con las hs huberamos tenido un seguro de vida y no estariamos con cu
antiosas perdidas,y por lo visto us conocimientos sobre las multiples variedades de la paella no le van a la zaga jajaja.

la proxima vez que me meta en bolsa debere analizar el ratio perdidas soportables via stop y beneficio realista.saludos


Kansas BK Decision 4/27/10 - FDIC NOL SJ Denied

Kansas BK Decision 4/27/10 - FDIC NOL SJ Denied 27-May-10 09:23 pm

Case 09-05084 File 4/27/10
Robert E. Nugent
US Chief Bankruptcy Judge
District of Kansas



Defendant FDIC moves for summary judgment on the complaint of the plaintiff-debtor bank holding companies for turnover of property of the bankruptcy estates claimed by the FDIC as receiver for TeamBank, one of the plaintiffs’ banks closed by the United States Comptroller of the Currency in March of 2009. The FDIC claims a tax refund emanating from the plaintiffs’ 2008 consolidated tax return that is payable to the plaintiffs under a Tax Allocation Agreement entered into on January 8, 2008 by plaintiffs, TeamBank, and other affiliated entitites. The FDIC contends that the tax refund is not property of the bankruptcy estates of these debtor bank holding companies, but rather should be paid to the FDIC as receiver as the separate property of the failed banks.1 The FDIC’s summary judgment motion requires the Court to interpret the Tax Allocation Agreement at issue here and apply applicable bankruptcy and tax law to the uncontroverted facts.

IV. The Tax Refunds are Estate Property

Having concluded that the TAA does not create a trust relationship wherein Team holds any tax refund it receives from the IRS for the benefit of TeamBank or CNB, the Court concludes that Team owns the tax refund and it is property of the bankruptcy estate. The bankruptcy court concluded that reimbursement was more consistent with a “debt” or “receivable,” and not ownership. If the refund was intended to be the subsidiary’s property, the agreement would have provided for “return” of the refund to the subsidiary. The bankruptcy court thus concluded that the parties intended to create an obligation to the subsidiary in the nature of a receivable.53 The district court agreed, holding that the tax agreements were unambiguous and addressed the conditions under which the subsidiary was entitled to reimbursement of the tax refunds.54 The fact that the tax reimbursement agreement did not mention the term “ownership” did not create ambiguity.

The FDIC complains at length that Franklin Savings was incorrectly decided and should not be relied upon. Franklin Savings was decided not on summary judgment, but following a two-day trial, extensive stipulations, and lengthy and detailed findings of fact made by the bankruptcy court.

Paragraph IV.(C)(iii) similarly requires Team to “pay” members of the Consolidated Tax Group with NOL carrybacks their allocable share of the taxes paid by the Member to Team. Nothing in the TAA requires Team to segregate the tax refund, to hold the tax refund in trust for the members of the Consolidated Tax Group, or prohibits Team from using the tax refund. In short, the TAA creates “ordinary contractual obligations” between Team and the members with respect to tax liability and tax refunds. Team is indebted to members of the group with respect to tax overpayments and tax refunds in those amounts specified under the TAA. As such, the relationship between Team and its members with respect to the tax refund is that of debtor and creditor. TeamBank and CNB may assert a claim against the estate for Team’s payment obligation under the TAA, but the tax refund is property of the estate.


Because the FDIC is not entitled to judgment as a matter of law, its motion for summary judgment is DENIED.

Resumiendo, que el FDIC no puede recibir tampoco las NOL. Sentencia que -justo a tiempo- supone una jurisprudencia muy importante en nuestro caso.

Si FDIC no puede recibir nada de las NOL... en teoría eso corresponde a la Equidad. A Rosen se le va cerrando el grifo de los regalos... y lo bueno es que la jueza Walrath no tiene ni siquiera que decidir nada; esto es jurisprudencia.

Hoy se esperan subidas en Ps y Ks... supongo que las comunes también se subirán al carro.