
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.603 / 3.346


Rosen ayer dijo que iba a modificar el POR/DS para ofrecer algo a la Equidad (sea lo que sea supongo que las preferentes van primero, aunque también caiga algo para las comunes).

Las comunes ayer reaccionaron cerrando en rojo y las preferentes en verde.

Hoy en FF las comunes siguen bajando.

Pienso que la gente está saltando de las comunes a las preferentes...




Ten shin, por qué tienes que estar todo el día metiéndote con los demás, sólo porque estés pillado en 0,6? Que si la juez está vendida, que si el EC se baja los pantalones, todo el santo día insultando, ya cansa. Por qué no dejas que la gente haga su trabajo sin insultarles? Entiendo que entraste aquí sabiendo donde te metías (o no?), así que un poco de paciencia, que estamos en BK, y las cosas en este mundillo son así. Y por supuesto sin acritud, es por tu bien, que un día te va a dar un algo.


Re: Reflexiones.

Es correcto Ptolomeo, a pesar de tener aun un 30% en comunes considero mas factible estar en preferentes incluso al 100% ya que si hacen una propuesta partira de WMI y aunque podrian porcentuar igual a preferentes y comunes podrían también proponer más dinero a las preferentes e incluso nada a las comunes con el fin de dividir a los accionistas. Conociendo a Rosen el divide y venceras puede utilizarlo en su beneficio.
Por otra parte en Alemania no esta cayendo si tenemos en cuenta el cambio €/$ esta a la par.
Las acciones deberian subir de aqui a final de mes.


Re: Reflexiones.

Yo creo que voy a pasar todo a preferentes. Voy 50%-50%.


Re: Reflexiones.

Nos iría muy bien una campaña publicitaria como la de principios de marzo hablando nuevamente de 8 usd para las comunes, se podría llegar de nuevo a niveles de 0.70 esta vez si, para saltar ya que dudo que ni tan siquiera puedan ofrecer ni 2 USD por las comunes.


What is Rosen trying to pull?

There has been a lot of conjecture about what is really going on with the delay. Are negotiations only about document sharing, or are there actual settlement talks with the EC? There are several people who I greatly respect making the point for each scenario. I think there are at least some preliminary settlement negotiations, maybe just a possible framework for an eventual settlement, or Rosen wouldn’t have made that statement in court.

My immediate reaction is that Rosen is a snake who can not be believed and he is not going to enter into meaningful negotiations with the EC. Yet, what does he gain by this charade in court today where he inferred that meaningful talks are going on? Surely he understands that THJMW is not a fool and as long a the DS is postponed and the question of the examiner is still on the July 8 docket, what does he gain by stalling? We have been going on for over 20 months and he gets an additional 3 weeks to do what? He is not going to get the DS approved because that is on hold. He stated that there might be a new POR if the negotiations were fruitful which to me means that there is some settlement negotiations going on. The fact that Nelson was less than enthused gives us a look at the way the EC views the odds on a successful conclusion to these negotiations. Still Rosen is betting he can come up with some hail Mary pass to bail himself out of the mess he is in.

I expect him to be on the phone with his JPM masters as they try to find some bone that will get the EC’s attention. He has 3 weeks or the examiner will be appointed. If there is not significant progress Susman can get up and say that this is just a stall and a waste of money and we need the examiner to get the information. If we have 3 weeks of no progress, THJMW will approve the motion for the examiner. So what has Rosen accomplished with the 3 week delay? He either gets the EC to come on board, or at least gets them to agree that we are close to being on board, or he subjects himself and his masters to 5 months of snooping by an examiner. Maybe they are not as afraid of the examiner as we think they should be, but it certainly appears they are doing everything they can to avoid having one appointed.

Rosen has 3 weeks. He got his 3 week delay by raising the expectations that he would be able to get the parties to make progress toward an agreement. The pressure is now on Rosen to produce.


Re: What is Rosen trying to pull?

¿Alguien sabe lo que son las REIT series?


Re: Reflexiones.

dada la gravedad de la situacion seria interesante saber por que cantidad firmaria el acuerdo el EC,seguramente por 1$ firmarian.