
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.826 / 3.346

Nueva carta a los accionistas de JPMorgan

"El fuerte crecimiento mediante la expansión orgánica y la adquisición de WaMu "

Ver existen páginas 44 a 46 .

"La cartera de WaMu se negó a $ 16B en el 2Q10 de $ 20B al cierre del ejercicio 2009, prevé una disminución de $ 10B por
finales de 2011 "




Pareciera ser que no hay gente hoy, ni jesus, ni jose y maria!

En fin!



Para los que necesiten Vitaminas

Washington Mutual Trial Date Set for November, 2010

By Elizabeth Martinez
Published: 9/15/2010

A Delaware judge has set November 1, 2010 for the trial date regarding Washington Mutual’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A. Harrison Barnes, lawyer and LegalAuthority president, says Judge Mary Walrath is expecting a report from the examiner appointed to investigate the events leading up to the 2008 bankruptcy filing no later than September 7.

On Tuesday, August 25, 2010, Judge Walrath heard from lawyers associated with the case and at that time, announced a confirmation hearing regarding WaMu’s plan for reorganization would also occur on November 1. Some folks who are in the know say the initial hearing could potentially change the course for the remainder of the hearing.

A near-100 page complaint was filed against WaMu and JPMorgan Chase earlier this year. Now the defendants, which include the merged companies, were said to have "colluded to deceive and then deprive" the plaintiffs, Brown Rudnick, of nearly $1 billion in investments. The federal government has also been named as a collective defendant as well. As A. Harrison Barnes explains, the securities were purchased with the understanding that if Washington Mutual became one of the failed financial institutions, the preferred trust shares would be converted into what’s called WMI preferred stock. When the bank failed, the plaintiffs allege attempts were made by the defendants to transfer all of these securities, worth around $4 billion, to JPMorgan, which was in the process of acquiring the defunct WaMu.

As the LegalAuthority founder continues, the only certainty is that these claims must be addressed and decided before any other issues are dealt with in the courtroom. Jeremy Coffee, who represents Brown Rudnick, is quoted as having said, "It’s a $4 billion issue. If we’re right, there’s $4 billion less in the estate and I don’t think the plan goes forward". Indeed not. This will potentially affect the bankruptcy hearing in its entirety and has the potential to, in essence, eliminate the need for any future hearings.

The WMI lead counsel, Brian Rosen, of Weil, Gotshal & Manges, has offered no comment up to this point. Barnes says this has the potential to become a historical case that will be used in law classrooms for years to come. It has the potential to shape every future lawyer’s chosen specialty. There’s no denying that all eyes will be on Delaware in the coming months as this case unfolds and unravels – likely at warp speed. Judge Walrath has a reputation for a "no nonsense" approach when it comes to the law and she likely will levy these proceedings with as little disruption and unnecessary "baggage" as possible.

So was the $4 billion wrongly appropriated? It’s a toss up – many legal minds say these monies were most certainly misappropriated, while others disagree and take the stance of, "Well, maybe…but maybe not". Time will tell.


Los miembros del EC, serán depuestos e interrogados



The Notice on the interrogatories

Si leis las subpoenas, observareis que casi tildan a los miembros del EC de criminales. Y Susman sin noticias de Holanda...
Otro indicio más, van a poner a todo el EC de especuladores post-bk sin derecho a nada, para cerrar el crimen perfecto, esto me huele muy mal. El examinador dice que jpm/fdic son buenos chicos, la juez sigue adelante con el DS para aprobar el POR, Susman no reacciona con nada (cada vez me parece más a Venable), etc... mucho tiene que cambiar esto de aquí al 1 de noviembre, para que no nos crucifiquen.



Re: Los miembros del EC, serán depuestos e interrogados

La afirmacion del titular suena a que va a desaparecer el EC.

Es como decir "Los miembros de WMI seran depuestos y sustituidos por un trustee".

Estamos en una batalla pendiente de decisiones por parte de la juez en base a informaciones que estan pendientes de clarificarse por la investigacion del examiner.

Estamos en una BK y ya sabemos lo que puede ocurrir al final de la corrida, pero a mi entender: