
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.142 / 3.346

Re: 2 días adicionales

Smith is just trying to avoid perjury (i.e., injury to himself) while protecting his handlers to the extent possible.

Smith acknowledges 'finally' that releases granted to WMI officers does not include pre-petition conduct


WGM: Objection Can counsel use the current version of the plan?

EC: We would if we had one, we asked for one to be provided but

JMW: Overruled



Re: 2 días adicionales

Dónde lo estais siguiendo?


Re: 2 días adicionales

ahora si que se percibe que tumbaran el POR.MEJOR QUE ASI SEA SINO VOLVEREMOS A LAS CATACUMBAS


Re: 2 días adicionales

!!!!!!!!!!Walrath siempre va a contra-corriente. retira momentaneamente el informe para luego aprobar el Por. El destrozo de las acciones sera imparable como lo fue en noviembre. sin capacidad de reaccion para los accionistas!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: 2 días adicionales

Was this "Fair and equitable"?


What does it say?

Can you repeat your question?

What does it say?

I am sorry I did not hear you.

What does it say?


Can you repeat the question?

What does it say?
I would say it says what it says.

Finally confirms, "Underwriters covered by releases".......
The releases are the core of the deal. If the releases go down, the deal goes down!

The number of WMI exec. that know little to nothing of the plan is a clear indication that JPM and Weil, put some stupid guys on WMI, so that they would say "yes sir"to all of their will.


Re: 2 días adicionales

menudos argumentos simpson cuando animabas a entrar diciendo " que ojala tuvieras mas dinero para entrar porque lo veias tan claro" no vendias las acciones como si fuera una primitiva.


Re: 2 días adicionales

no hay que fiarse de Walrath es una largaterana


Re: 2 días adicionales

Chad Smith has been a simply abysmal witness.

"Under these circumstances, it seems unlikely that a reasonable evaluation of the merits of litigation of this nature and extent could have been made without taking into account the advice of ... litigation counsel."

K said nothing was based on advice from council, Smith mentions they spoke with council quite often.......