
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.520 / 3.346

Re: Corto en preferentes

El amigo de Manzana, Boca de Sapo, El propio Simpson vendiendo el 40%, sin contar los que dan al boton en silencio, cada vez se suman mas usuarios que se ponen cortos o venden por miedo a los derrumbes esperados a los que nos tienen acostumbrados estas acciones cuando menos se espera. Por otra parte continua bombeando informacion con cifras inventadas diciendo que los accredores renunciaran a ellas en favor de la equidad, grandes cuentos pumperianos. Jejeje.


Todo lo que puede pasar hoy

In the hopes of keeping myself busy and trying to grasp the possibilities of what may transpire over the next three days. I thought I'd obtain a sense of 'togetherness' with the group if we all suggested 'possible' outcomes failed miserably. With no POR 7/Term Sheet filed yet it is in my opinion possible that we will see Rosen try to cram POR 6 through on the 29th during the confirmation hearing. If negotiations are ongoing then we would expect that Rosen would want to delay the 'objection deadline' for the EC yet again to avoid 'daggers' being filed to preserve whatever discussions are ongoing. If in which case the EC is forced into a position where they must file an objection because no 'extension' has been granted we can assume that this is not nearing the settlement we were informed about.

So far these are the possibilities I came up with. Any other possibilities anyone can come up with over the next three days? (between now and the current deadline for EC to file an objection)

So far I think it is safe (haha) to say that we will see:

1. New POR- no need for extensions of objections

2. Delayed POR, extension of the Objection Deadline extended to the EC once again and placed on PACER

3. Delayed POR, no objection deadline extension granted or posted, EC files Objection to cover bases regardless or let their opportunity pass them?

4. Destroyed POR, no extension posted on PACER, EC puts out an objection on or pre 6/10

5. Stocks halted tomorrow due to shares being provided full restitution, fully completed and agreed upon POR 7 (lol)

6. Status Conference is 'vague' and no discussion of extensions are discussed leaving Equity in the dark waiting to see if EC files objection (which would at least provide some clarity as to where we stand)

7. Rosen reveals that they a party has shown interest in the purchasing the NEWCO and that extensions are necessary in order to finalize all specifics.


Brian Rosen volando hacia Delaware

"Uh, your Honor, there have been some complications with the plan I hastily laid out two weeks ago. Your Honor, I completely forgot about absolute priority when I...", "Oh fvck, that's not going to work."

"Uh, your honor, I thought the remainng parties in the GSA would help me out with my problem but I was mistaken...", "Fvck that sounds desperate."

"Uh, your Honor, the TPS told me in so many words to go fvck myself...", No way."

"Uh, your Honor, those mvtha fvcking cheap fvcking JPM...", "Yeah, I wish."

"Uh, your Honor, this whole thing has been a scam to...", "Not yet Brian, but maybe soon."

Uh, your Honor, The WaMu gift has been blowing money out JPM's bvtt.". "Fvck, stop it Brian."

"Uh, your Honor, if you Honor hadn't been such a weak...", Just stop, man, too late."

"Uh, your Honor, the IT allegations are not only true, but my brother-in-law also made $200K in January 2010 and...", Mvtha fvck, I can't say that."

"Uh, your Honor, you can't handle the truth.", "Fvck."

"Uh, your Honor, I throw myself on the mercy of the court and on the sword you see before you.", "Maybe."

"Uh, your Honor, if you hadn't allowed that fvcking EC, this would have been wrapped last year.", "Desperate again."

"Uh, your Honor, I firmly believe Nate Thoma is an alien and he was sent here...", Meds, Brian, meds."

"Uh, your Honor, uh, fvck it, this whole BK has been an attempt to save the FDIC and allow our client JPM to benefit from Sheila's stupidity. I give up your Honor, and hereby succumb to any and all punishment or bvtt hurting you deem approriate.", Yeah, that pretty much covers it."


Otro posible escenario

With what has been disclosed to date and put on the record in court involves equity (P's, K's, U's and I would argue perhaps even H's) controlling (greater than 50%) of re-organized debtor. In fact, this grouping of equity, according to tentative settlement, would own the "balance" of the new Co. according to Rosen at last hearing. He suggested the "balance" being the difference between the 160 Mil debt/ preferred instrument and the total value of the reorganized debtor.

As others have pointed out, the TPS may be able to "trip-up" any deal that does not pay them every cent they are owed, as they have threatened.

Consider that they were not included in the settlement talks, much to their chagrin. They were not included for one of two reasons. 1) The parties had an agreement that would make TPS whole. Or, 2) The debtor intends to forge ahead with EC settlement plan (assuming one is signed) regardless of objections from TPS and is confident that the Court would confirm.

Personally, It is my belief that the former makes more sense in this case. Keep in mind, as well, that JP Morgan/FDIC could kill 2 birds with one stone by agreeing to settle the TPS claims against the debtor's estate which would also have the effect of rendering their pending appeal obsolete.

Current equity and "certain lingering subordinated claims", as Rosen mentioned in court- I take this as a reference to possibly converting the H's as well as part of the settlement- would control the new company minus the 160 Mil pref/debt instrument mentioned above.

This outcome would:

1. Solve the TPS dilemma (by JPFDIC making them whole) that they must get paid in full before commons receive anything.

2. P's would be made whole through the conversion relative to commons of shares in new Co thus preserving the preferred relationship.

3. With TPS settled by jpfdic and H's settled by agreeing to accept equity in new Co then ownership of new Co (minus the 160 Mil instrument) could legitimately flow down to P's, K's, and U's without absolute priority damning any agreement.

IMHO, perhaps JPFDIC are negotiating directly with the TPS on this component of the settlement and this is why POR 7 has yet to be submitted because those two parties have yet to come to an agreement on this most crucial sticking point.

In conclusion, Rosen made a big point of including Common shareholders in his remarks to the court... I don't think he makes those definitive statements without an "understanding" with another party (jpfdic) to satisfy the TPS (and absolute priority), thus legitimately handing a majority of new Co to all classes of current equity with P's, K's, perhaps H's, being made whole through preferred share conversion.

Este hilo me parece muy interesante...


Re: Otro posible escenario


Re: Otro posible escenario

Basher Besugo en acción

Basher Besugo en acción


Re: Otro posible escenario

Dedicado a Peterpan Simpson el bombeador oficial del foro.


Re: cRe: ponerse corto en preferentes

¿pero las ha comprado o las ha vendido?
comprar=ponerse largo
vender=ponerse corto

Por cierto, ya comenté que el problema (aparentemente) viene porque desde el móvil no te deja realizar las mismas operaciones que desde la web o TWS.

¿Por qué? Ni idea...