
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.557 / 3.346

Re: La Conspiración toma forma...

How about the fact that in a brand new POR the TPS were placed below other equity classes since that have a separate litigation action pending against JPM?

Perhaps SG agreed todo this in the preliminary negotiations because they knew the TPS holders would come out swinging against the agreement thus placing more pressure on the Other side to up their offers.

Personally, I can think of no negatives of leaving the TPS holders out of the agreement.

On the other hand I cannot fathom either side including the TPS in the agreement without direct negotiations with them.


PJ Solomon (Cuadro de Horas trabajadas)

A broader look at the tax resources applied by the retained tax advisor over the retention; approximately 3% of the resources applied {less than Case Administration and Committee Administration by almost 10-1}. No "financing" charges to date, so not a single indicator that the potential for the reorganized debtor was within sight, possibly.

Cuadro de Horas PJ Solomon

Cuadro de Horas PJ Solomon


El gran LIO

Everyone in the game has so much more to lose going to the end without a settlement.

The hedge funds have already seen there fate and have backed off to save themselves.

The positioning of that move vs. depositions could save WMG, Rosen and A&M some terrible headaches (sleeping with the enemy). Kostorus is hanging in by one fingernail as he may be sold down the river if this situation goes past settlement. JPM and the FDIC also have there vulnerabilities in several different ways, such a full exposure to the nefarious deal they made to tube WMB and also, they have no rights to the assets they stole, nor do they have releases. TPS can be crammed down along with Anchor and the WMB bondholders can be tossed with justification. Of course the EC could lose some ground too, but then again they have the most to gain and the least to lose, so why not burn down the entire house (IT is good kindle) and see who survives. Even JMW has a few things to lose reputation wise, as I don’t think her “reasonable and fair” edict will stand up in appeal, knowing that the underpinnings of that was just washed away by the IT problem.

I don’t care about Rosen’s blustering.. or the time far as I’m concerned, EC will walk away short, but in decent shape to recoup losses over the years. I would expect a better indication of a settlement when the FDIC and JPM want there releases…and no further exposure in the coming weeks. EC should stay in there faces and take no steps back !


Re: El gran LIO...empiezan los shake offs

WAMPQ la tiran a $ vuelta a $31.50 y ¿que han conseguido?
un par de miles de acciones y unos stop loss que han saltado.
Enhorabuena MM´s... tomad un par de $$$$$ y gracias por la oferta para los que hayan comprado.

Ptolomeo:¿has tenido suerte?


Negociaciones en la cuerda floja o olla a presión... Vuelven los Depositions

Centerbridge & Appaloosa
6/23/2011 @ 10am

6/24/2011 @ 10am

Esto se puede interpretar como un arma de doble filo... no se estaba avanzando porque hemos sido benevolos cancelando Depositions y ahora o se avanza o ya saben las fechas para la guillotina. (No me gustaría estar en el pellejo de los Hedge Funds :)

Aun quedan 2 días y esto parece un juego de poker de altas alturas. Aquí cada uno juega su mano lo mejor que puede. Susman ha hablado o me dais el POR 7 o iros preparando.


Re: Negociaciones en la cuerda floja o olla a presión... Vuelven los Depositions

No se como lo interpretas pero esto es nefasto para la equidad y las negociaciones han fracasado. Si los hedges aceptan sera porque estan cubiertos.


Re: Negociaciones en la cuerda floja o olla a presión... Vuelven los Depositions

:) :) :) :) no me esperaba otra lectura de ti.
Esto se puede interpretar de muchas maneras.

Yo la interpreto como PRESIÓN

Vaya parece que en USA alguien tb piensa lo mismo...

I can only assume at this point there is no "capitulation" from the EC/Susman team based on the resetting of depos to go forward....And as a reminder...I doubt seriously that the EC/Susman team would make such a move ....IF HFs had not done any wrongful acts of insider trading that could not be proven before the court......

But it definitely shows EC holding the line....and thus addtl pressure now Back On the SNHs/Hfs/debtors which just may snowball back on JPM/FDIC.....

good luck WaMuers...


Re: Negociaciones en la cuerda floja o olla a presión... Vuelven los Depositions

La presion la metieron anteriormente, ahora ya se va a la guerra y la jugada para la equidad estaba en negociar. Si los Hedges han dicho que no dan mas, ya saben bien a que se exponen con las depositions.

En USA piensan lo mismo los posts que escojas, hay de todo.

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