
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.585 / 3.346

Re: EC en control (solo lo parece) El control lo tienen los debtors.

MAXI, el mas optimista no Lo se, pero el más realista sin duda alguna.


Re: EC en control (solo lo parece) El control lo tienen los debtors.

Maximunae es el realista, Simpson el super-optimista que quiere montar una cadena de Tele-pizzarias en su provincia con los supuestos beneficios de Wamu y Ptolomeo ya ve que esto nunca se acaba y ahora tradea con todas las acciones para procurarse las pizzas de fin de semana. Si todo sale bien las pizzas se las facilitará Simpson rebajadas de precio por su constante apoyo, si sale mal y eliminan las acciones a Simpson se le acabaran las tele-pizzas de por vida ya que se esta jugando hasta las cartillas comunitarias.
Pd. Ptolomeo a primera hora con 100 k´s han subido el precio a 1.39, con estas acciones solo podras comprar una pizza individual, ya te digo estas no son para tradear. Jajaja


Re: EC en control (solo lo parece) El control lo tienen los debtors.

Y creo en el final positivo de esto pero mira, en lugar de ver como esto sube y baja o se desangra día a día prefiero ser más pro-activo y tratar de obtener algún plus tradeando.

Si lo consigo bien, si no, mala suerte.


Bondholder lawsuit over WaMu seizure revived

(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday revived a lawsuit by bondholders of the failed Washington Mutual Bank who are challenging the thrift's seizure by the FDIC and sale to JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N).

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals said a lower court erred in dismissing the case on the grounds that the bondholders had first failed to exhaust their administrative remedies before suing.

The FDIC seized WaMu on Sept. 25, 2008, and JPMorgan bought the thrift's banking assets for $1.9 billion. The bondholders complained that this price drastically undervalued WaMu's assets. WaMu's holding company, Washington Mutual Inc (WAMUQ.PK), filed for bankruptcy protection the next day. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Editing by Derek Caney)


Re: Bondholder lawsuit over WaMu seizure revived

I'd like to see this Anico suit thrown back to Texas as imho it should never have left there. Texas would rip JPM a new one. :)

This also affects Judge Walrath's decision regarding the "fair and reasonable" GSA. She decided that the business tort claims against JPM likely had little value since the DC Court dismissed this Anico suit.


Re: Bondholder lawsuit over WaMu seizure revived

case is closed" collyer is back on square one.

and i hope, she is learning from this one, bribery is a pain. comes most allways back to bite you in the ahz.

now, let`s see how jpm acts against all the terrible claims, for example implanting moles, bribe rating agencies, bribe the fdic and so on.

this week was not very successfull for thid crooks, first aurelius making the uturn, then the new ec lawyers, and today the deep impact from the dc appeals court.

"the case is closed", eh?


Re: Bondholder lawsuit over WaMu seizure revived

A group of WMB bondholders agreed to settle (and provide releases) for 335 million in GSA/POR6.

If their claims are more valid today than when they agreed to settle this may affect the GSA/POR6.

1. They may demand more money for releases.
2. They may abandon POR6 and pursue claims in D.C.

On the surface the value of the releases just went up...IMHO. And, according to Califano, the releases (from bondholders and equity) are VERY important.


Re: EC en control (solo lo parece) El control lo tienen los debtors.

Animo Ptolomeo 5.000 K´s, ya tienes para la Telepizza familiar Jajaja