
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.610 / 3.346

Re: La Juez se esta ventilando al abogado de Aurelius

Me tiemblan las pelotas Besugo... las pelotas de leer tus posts :) :)


Re: La Juez se esta ventilando al abogado de Aurelius

Lo se pero no tergiverses la informacion que te tenemos calado.


Re: La Juez se esta ventilando al abogado de Aurelius

Aurelius was the most belligerent in their objections to the ec's motion to compel and termed it nothing but a 'shakedown.' Based on their counsel's complete stonewalling in front of a federal judge, they appear to be in even more trouble than the EC has alleged. Their counsel said it would take 'months and months' to produce the documents that the ec has requested but also argued that they have already produced nearly everything that the ec has requested. Their arguments against the motion appears to boil down to 1) we are innocent, 2) it will take a long time, 3) there's no need...see 1), and 4) we know we have not done anything wrong. There is no way they are going to avoid having to produce this information and the judge is angry enough that she may order federal marshalls to pay and visit and help them with their document production. There is something MAJOR wrong here for Aurelius to take this kind of approach. No idea what yet, but they appear to be fighting out of desperation over something. I hope it's some sort of improper relationship with JPM Chase Bank and/or the debtors


Re: La Juez se esta ventilando al abogado de Aurelius

Gracias Inversor71 !!!! Parece que esto empieza ya a ser muyyyyyy sospechoso.


Creditors suplicando

Creditors up:

Tremendous amount of discovery has taken place, where you refused the full scope of what they wanted

Passage of time: 2/8, your honor granted motion on a limited basis.

Models a tool used to eval info, but not info, incredibly broad.

Delay the real concern....EC says they don't want to delay, strategy to upend the settlement till people part with value to gruops that are out of money. Not one but 4 IT cases. We have a conf hearing scheduled for July 13-15, delay is costing the creditors.


Re: Creditors suplicando

Hasta que no eliminen las acciones no os dareis por vencidos, todo llegará.


Le toca a Rosen

BR:we just want to move forward w the opinion on what EC is asking for


EC tiene documentos que los Hedge Funds no han entregado

Wow I think just heard Sargent mention he has docs 4 hedge funds didnt produce.

Fried Frank up, all produce. Info between Debtors and JPM is in doc room, but not provided as it wasnt part of your order. (aqui puede estar la clave)