
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.684 / 3.346

Re: Law 360: Aurelius Attys Aided Wrongful Trading: WaMu Shareholders

Eso es seguro... pero no tientes al diablo. :) :) :)


Hearings duraran solo hasta mañana Jueves

Faltan 2 Hedge Funds + Closings.

Los nuevos Exhibits del EC son:
Especial atención al 304 !!!

EC 301 - 9/26/2008
List of nominal weekly average 1-yr constant maturity yield - the Federal Judgement Rate 9/26/2008 - 6/16/2011

EC 302 - 9/26/2008
Graph re list of nominal weekly average 1-yr constant maturity yield - the Federal Judgement Rate 9/26/2008 - 6/16/2011

EC 303 - 9/26/2008
Historical pricing data 9/25/2008 - 12/31/2010

EC 304 - 1/12/2010
Email from B. Rosen to C. Smith re settlement communication


Weil Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Two items I found in particular and I'm sure there were plenty of others today - I couldn't listen to the whole thing yet - where WGM - INTENTIONALLY!! sabotaged equity :

1. Motion to disband the EC where Rosen states he was serving in the EC's best interest and now we find out it was because he didn't want EC screwing up the current deal which Equity was wiped out - how is that equitys best interest

2. Conspiring to prevent the SJ on the 4 billion dollar deposit

This at least SEEMS like severe breach of duty on many levels


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

A quien pueda ayudarme, compré en 1997 800 preferentes perpetuas de Washington Mutual al 7.25% ISIN #USG9463GAA60. En septiembre de 2008 me las convirtieron a 80.000 comunes, es correcto ??


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

No es correcto. El cambio de preferentes a comunes es voluntario no obligatorio y ademas la conversion es de 114,8106 acciones comunes por preferentes WAMP no 100 como te han efectuado. Tal como esta el patio es mejor tener preferentes que comunes.
Increible que llegaste a tener 800.000 $ de valoracion que ahora no valen apenas nada en comparacion, la bolsa es asi de cabrona.


RE.Again, I must ask, why, oh, why

all comes down to MONEY and Mega EGOs!! JPM was pulling the strings behind the scene as we all know..... rosie/debtors working for JPM.....

However big money HFs Appalooza joing forces with CB seemed to want leverage over JPM to force JPM to concede more in settlement arrangements....So they Bought majority of Sr.Debt, PIERS throw their weight in the bankruptcy process against JPM ..saying we now control debtors and you will have to play more fairly with us if you want to get to an arrangement and obtain all your releases from future litigation.....They also had to bring in the FDIC at one point which seemed to play as sort of an unpredictable party of interests in the arrangement taking place.....

It is all unfolding before THJMW's eyes....and now she will KNOW she was duped into her reasoning for the F&R Opinion of the GSA and now I hope she renders a strong hammer against those parties debtors/SNHs/HFs/JPM and partly FDIC, making a jeering mockery of her court....

gibson...your view on the Susman team has to have shifted quite a bit of late...and WaMuers are expressly fortunate for this representation being show in THIS Confirmation Hearing....


IT probado... esperemos a ver que pasa

Spencer, all I can say is I thought Appaloosa was going to be rather tame because they were NOT accused of IT, but Seth Ard proved beyond a shadow of a doubt they did indeed commit IT AND not only highjacked the GSA negotiations they and Centerbridge actually were going to JPM AND the FDIC in DC to try to get them to settle! STUNNING!

The testimony by Bolin (Appaloosa) was so bad for them and the Debtor, we thought he was going to puke on the stand. Seth had him admit he lied several times AND, NOW GET THIS, Bolin said they actually SOLD $800K in Ks in March BEFORE the March 12, 2010 Rosen GSA anouncement. THJMW is VERY attentive today and clearly sees what has transpired. There's more so listen and enjoy tonight!


Centerbridge deja claro que cometio IT y se acaba de enterar

Appaloosa no le comunico nada. La juez le ha mandado repetir la pregunta y ha vuelto a repetir que no lo sabia. Esto se pone interesante! !!!! ;-)

Todos apuntan a JPM como negociador. Rosen estas en la picota.