
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.791 / 3.346

Los debtors apelan... ¿que pasara con la mediación ahora? ¿que dira la Juez?

So now the Debtors are appealing the Judge's last Opinion strictly regarding the motion she granted for EC to prosecute its claim for equitable disallowance.

But JMW also order mediation to work out all of these differences (which would mean the SNHs voluntarily offer up the equitable disallowance) and to present her with a confirmable plan before EC moves to the litigation.

SO ... Is Rosen just covering his butt and that of the SNHs and everyone involved in the IT, bad-faith GSA negotiations by filing this before the 30 day deadline should the mediation fail? Kinda makes me think he thinks mediation will fail so he is filing the appeal ... to do what?? Keep the claims from being prosecuted? That won't happen like that, right? Most likely EC will get the SNHs into the court to try those IT claims before Rosen's appeal gets any traction.

But ... if Rosen has filed an appeal on one of the decisions in the Confirmation Opinion, how can he file another Plan for confirmation? If you file an appeal against your own Plan opinion, wouldn't that part of the latest Opinion need to be resolved before a new Reorganization Plan can go back up for approval?


Re: Los debtors apelan... ¿que pasara con la mediación ahora? ¿que dira la Juez?

"We think a mediation of broad scope could lead to a consensual plan", said Folse, who’s with Sussman Godfrey LLP. "At a minimum, however, mediation would ensure that Washington Mutual’s money will be available if shareholders push ahead with their insider-trading case and win it", the shareholder attorney said.

I am glad to hear Parker Folse say this. I hope he is sincere, and not just
posturing. I am somewhat surprised by this. I previously agreed with other longs on this board such as
that mediation was going to be just another wasted month.

But needless to say, Parker Folse knows more about the chances of success than I do, and I hope his "could" comes to pass


Bill Rochelle - Bloomberg

Unos 5 minutos tras empezar el audio...

"FDIC and JP Morgan basically won, as in the sense that nobody is going to be allowed to use Mediation to try to challenge the global settlement made months ago, Although it's not as global as people would like, it still lets JP Morgan can breathe a sign of relief"

"Noteholders, who are alleged to have traded on insider information, are going to have to find a way to make equity happy, so there can be a plan that people are not objecting to"

"If I was going to make a bet on how this was going to turn out, I wouldn't. There's just too many people and too much money involved"


Judge Lyons será el mediador

Elegido por la Juez Walrath

WaMu judge taps mediator

Washington Mutual Inc.'s bankruptcy judge appointed a fellow judge to try to settle differences among shareholders, hedge funds and other creditors of the former owner of the biggest U.S. bank to fail.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Raymond T. Lyons will lead mediation sessions aimed at resolving disputes that have helped to prevent WaMu from ending its bankruptcy and distributing $7 billion to creditors.

WaMu, based in Seattle, filed for bankruptcy on Sept. 26, 2008, the day after its banking unit was taken over by regulators and sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion. Washington Mutual Bank had more than 2,200 branches and $188 billion in deposits. Bloomberg

Read more:


Re: Judge Lyons será el mediador

Como si es el Juez Garzon, nada que rascar en la mediacion, los Hedges ya han adelantado que su oferta anterior es la que mantienen o sea que la Juez deberá mover ficha por falta de acuerdo.


Re: Judge Lyons será el mediador

Mientras el EC tenga a Willingham vamos bien. Al fin y sl cabo estos no cobran como milkman Rosen.