
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.708 / 3.346

Rosen retrasa argumentos cierre y Hearing

Las nuevas fechas son 10 agosto y 24 agosto respectivamente.
Si estuviera tan seguro que se iba a aprobar su plan para que retrasarlo?
:) yo creo que estan negociando antes de que Susman suelte al Dragon.
Nos van a dejar disfrutar las vacaciones


Re: Rosen retrasa argumentos cierre y Hearing

Jajaja, dejate de cuentos, no hay negociaciones, ni Susman tiene nada, ya se vió en el confirmation hearing lo que presentó, ni fraude ni historias pumperianas, el retraso puede deberse a TPS y modulando las acciones con los SNH, pero a los accionistas Rosen no les hace ni caso porque la juez ya los tiene bajo control. Se acerca el final para la equidad en cuanto esten todos los cabos atados.


TPG & Bonderman

Wow, gibson,I believe you are very very close to the truth why Bonderman (BD) quickly wrapped up and left after wamu filed BK.

If BD had used the similar method in the wamu deal, that could mean wamu could have paid back TPG BEFORE BK its investment in preferred stocks, using similar prospectus that can be described as "more deeply subordinated shareholder loans", which is exactly common shares.

In other words, that could mean that the time BD converted his preferred stocks to common stocks, was the time BD got back his $1.4B investement.

This scenario could perfectly explain a hearsay about how TPG treats the wamu common stocks on its book -- I heard they are treated as phantom stocks.

Gibson you are my hero, you explained a mystery that has bothered me for more than 3 years!!


El EC ficha nuevo Securities Counsel

If so he is an extremely heavy hitter in the field of securities law.

Is he being brought on board to bolster the IT charges or is it for a different purpose........perhaps to look at the Pre-seizure equities activities.

I guarantee you that SG is 3 steps ahead of where we think they are in this case. They have already assumed the defeat of the GSA/POR and are moving ahead with litigation against the FDIC and JPM.

"His recent books include Infectious Greed: How Deceit and Risk Corrupted the Financial Markets, a leading corporate law casebook, and The Match King: Ivar Kreuger, The Financial Genius Behind a Century of Wall Street Scandals, about the 1920s markets and Ivar Kreuger, who many consider the father of modern financial schemes."....


ñam ñam

Las p's a 25 de nuevo, Rosen está temblando...



Re: ñam ñam

tranquilo maxi, es buen momento para acumular, tenen cuenta que van a pagar 500$ por cada preferente.

Menudos cachondos, ya les queda menos para el 0 patatero.


Re: ñam ñam

Son compras pactadas, no hay nada que temer, y las comunes bajan porque los mms están meneando el árbol desde los 0,20. Ahora a acumular baratitas baratitas ... la oportunidad del siglo oiga... ;)
