
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.894 / 3.346

Re: Bopfan y las suposiciones de Buyout/merger

¿Preparando el bombeo para la nueva Compañia reorganizada? Jeje


Re: Muchas dudas en el horizonte

Eso no es cierto.
Tu supones demasiado de gente que no conoces.
Lo que sigo sin entender es que pintas en este foro debes tener una vida muy aburrida para tenerte que implicar tanto en algo en lo que no confias. En fin tu mismo


Re: Muchas dudas en el horizonte

Ya he demostrado sobradamente que ha habido bombeo, mediante INFORMACIONES FALSAS que ha generado pillados por un tubo. La ignorancia o estar pillado ciega ver la realidad.


Re: Muchas dudas en el horizonte

Yo soy uno de los muchos que han caido.Gracias Besugo.


Re: Muchas dudas en el horizonte

¿Se sabe a que precio cotizaran las nuevas acciones con respecto a las actuales?


Los números de Bopfan

I say retail probably owns about 45MM Newco shares. Since par of Newco shares (based on old preferred par values) is $50 or $2.25B to buy out retail at par, which won't happen. My guess is $25 per Newco is a credible number SOLELY because of the need to give something 'decent' to common, in which case an old Q would be worth $.75. Any offer that would give an old Q something south of $.50 would be problematic, as I expect some many old common would reject it outright. For this reason I wouldn't expect anything south of $16.67 (P = $333; K = $8.33; Q = $.50). That would cost the SNs $750MM and that would be an absolute floor; however, I would expect something much closer to $1.2B, which would give old common at least $.75.

A lot of people here have invested in preferreds as a hedge and the chance to get liquidity on those preferreds at 50%, for example, would be welcomed by many. I saw how people reacted when Ps went to $110, and I think a lot of people would sell, especially if the offer required them to sell all their holdings, because they bought the post-seizure preferreds precisely to hedge losses on common.

The people who would be disadvantaged would not be people who hold all or mostly common, but rather those who didn't average down on pre-seizure losses. They stand to lose tremendously even at a $1 or $1.50 recovery.

If the EC meant at least $25 per Newco share --which would be 50% on old preferreds and $.75 on Qs --when it said the recovery would be 'meaningful' and 'more than fair', I think its statements were not misleading because that is a very good recovery for preferreds and given that common was imperiled up to the very last moments before confirmation, is a real victory for them, too.

Y el final: ;)

If I have my druthers we'll get an offer from a 3rd party, because that would be as good or better than what we'd get from the SNs. For example, if the tax benefits are really in the $40B range, and Berkshire Hathaway or Exxon offered us $8B for all of Newco, we'd be @ 80% of par and we'd have a great stock.