
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.910 / 3.346

Re: WMI sale de Chapter 11. (Bancarrota) y pasa a ser WMI Holdings Inc (New Co)

Se han cancelado de momento solo las comunes. Las preferentes siguen cotizando.


Re: WMI sale de Chapter 11. (Bancarrota) y pasa a ser WMI Holdings Inc (New Co)

Estan vendiendo los ultimos que no rellenaron los ballots, ya en ruina total, despues iran a ver a Mr. Simpson para darle las gracias por su recomendacion de compra a largo. Jeje


Washington Mutual (WAMUQ)

Hola a todos, alguno puede informarme que pasa con Wamu clase 19. Gracias.


Re: Washington Mutual (WAMUQ)

como no hayas presentado los ballots lo tienes mas negro que Machin.


Gracias a el foro he presentado todo lo correspondiente.Re: Washington Mutual (WAMUQ)


Re: WMI Holdings (Morningstar)

Mr Simpson cuando aperturen las nuevas acciones no te olvides de abrir el hilo recomendando la nueva compra del siglo.


Lo que queda de WAMU sale de BK (Seattle Times)

The company, now known as WMI Holdings and headquartered in Seattle, said its reorganization plan became effective Monday. It will begin distributing some $7 billion to creditors, many of them hedge funds that bought WaMu's debt securities after the company declared bankruptcy in September 2008.

Common and preferred shareholders will own the bulk of WMI Holdings, whose initial business will be managing WaMu's old mortgage-reinsurance business as it runs down.

However, the new company will have $75 million in cash and access to a $125 million credit line, which could enable it to acquire other businesses or build new ones.

WMI Holdings also inherits billions of tax losses from the old WaMu, which could make it an attractive acquisition target down the road.

Michael Willingham, one of WMI Holdings' new directors, said in a statement that the board would "begin exploring opportunities available to the company to enhance the value of the reorganized company's assets for the benefit of the company's new shareholders."

Los zombis salen de BK y ahora el BOD debe buscar fórmulas para maximizar el valor de la NewCo