Re: Ilene via Twitter
Bocazasssssssss no los tienes bien puestos ¿no? jajajajajajaja
Menuda nenaza estas hecha...bueno que me voy a la feria a comerme unos buenos langostinos a tu salud.
Bocazasssssssss no los tienes bien puestos ¿no? jajajajajajaja
Menuda nenaza estas hecha...bueno que me voy a la feria a comerme unos buenos langostinos a tu salud.
A mi salud no, será a la de los que has arruinado y a cuenta de ellos. Jajaja. Hay que ser sinverguenza para reirse asi de los que has estafado.
Senior Notes FJR
Some real money here via FJR~
Senior Sub Notes (FJR)
CCB Guarantees (FJR)
FJR hará que A>P pero todavía necesitaremos que la Juez Walrath ordene que se aplique al Summary Judgement en vez de al settlement final. Si no lo hace solo recibiremos migajas en vez de una compensación justa. A no ser que podamos salir de la BK sin entregar los famosos Releases.
Ahora a esperar a ver si mañana empiezan las depositions o se vuelven a retrasar.
A short recap of today's hearing.
My observations: Rosen and Co were off their mark today from the time they walked in to the end. Example: a new associate gave an argument which he was supposed to hear (from the overheard conversation), and he was absent from the court the entire time. He was engaged in a conversation w the attorney for the Wrigley motion prior to the hearing and was more conciliatory than usual. Both he and Strochak offered circular, whiny arguments, not on point as they have often been. JMW seemed more aware of the deception that has taken place in her courtroom, even commenting several times on the ironic turn of events*
Sometime this afternoon Rosen reported, the valuations from Blackstone and PJS were to be exchanged between Debtors and EC. Rosen then went on to plead for any motions/filings, etc. to be done with enough time prior to the confirmation hearing for them to come up with a counter strategy...although of course, he didn't phrase it that way Our local co-counsel (Taylor) argued that it was pointless to have such an early deadline, and the Judge agreed, saying she was sure the Debtor would have some surprises for everyone*
Discussion on a couple of "wrong party claims" which were pushed back until the end of the hearing.
Appaloosa's attorney reiterated what had been filed, that Nate had provided them with information to their satisfaction and they were dropping their request.
Strochak rose to explain (actually complain) about how the LTW holders were not cooperating with their request for documents, etc. and was the most rambling I'd yet seen him. Completely unfocused, which is what he should have been, given that the argument was weak and whiny. He was attempting to explain why having specific trading information on the individuals who hold LTW was a reasonable request. Steinberg (my hero) rose to calmly assert that this was total BS and that as a class action, no individual information was necessary, and if they really needed trading ranges, closing prices, etc than all that was publicly available information. He was sailing along and then said something that made the Judge change her stance a bit...he mentioned analysts' reports and lost a bit of momentum at that point as JMW agreed that those might prove to be useful. He used the word intimidation when referring to the Debtors request, and when Strochak rose again to counter, the Judge *remarked on the delicious irony of the LTW doing to them what the Debtors had been accused of all along. Brilliant point on Steinberg's part!
JMW ultimately ruled that affidavits needed to be filed attesting to the current ownership and if that ownership changed, but that positions were not necessary. She also directed LTW to produce any analyst reports they had.
We wrapped up with the two "wrong party" claims...WMI vs WMB confusion that have previously been tossed when other parties brought similar suits. The first party was not represented and was neither on the phone nor in court. The second party was an attorney from Vermont, and JMW was sympathetic to him, but ultimately ruled that the law was with WMI and that she couldn't "change the law at her level".
And that's about it for today!!
"Estoy segura que los debtors tienen algunas sorpresas para todos"
modo ironico ON, eso unido con el FJR hace del dia de ayer un dia positivo.
Rosen esta ausente, valoraciones entregadas y depositions manana.
Este mes no nos vamos a aburrir.
Lo voy a decir con la boca bien GRANDE.
"Equity is in the MONEY" el que no lo quiera ver que se ponga GAFAS.
I agree some activist long time long, in that this BK leaning on its edge, ready to fall for/against equity, and nothing's guaranteed until it's done. I am awed by their dedication, intellectual abilities and courage to step up. Fighting a multi-headed monster in BK court is intensely 'for real', where a miss-step can be/is fatal.
I also agree with your view of the EC, in that they are plotting a course to win control of the surviving company for equity. This may not be the $$$$$$$$ payoff some want, but something that may ally with another that will hopefully make the exiting company not only viable, but in a position to aggressively use it's assets (tax write-offs) to the maximum benefit of equity.
Allowing the opposition to see the PJS Valuation adds an interesting flavor to the brew. Not only is it a Susman like move to give the opposition a chance to settle before the Courtroom Showdown, but also lets them know what will be introduced as evidence. ...fraudulent transfers, 'missing' WMI assets illegally transferred, inadequate valuations...
Deposits: 4.6B
3.7B + 900M cash in hand
Tax refunds: 5.7B
state and federal
NOL carryforwards--5.6B going forward
2010 NOL
Capital losses (unknown)
Capital Contributions: 6.5B
Taxes paid for WMB by WMI: 3.1B
WMI Investments *1.2B
Visa shares plus divvies *.25B
Other transfers: by WMI to WMB: 3.4B
Intercompany Accounts: owed by WMB to WMI: .7B
Intellectual property: 6B-18B
VISA strategic agreement: ???
Partnership in Wind farms: Unknown percentage of *.85B
Real estate: 550 OWNED Properties *value unknown
Other subsm (value unknown)
Second & Union (the missing sub) value unknown
Trust Securities: 4B
Excess assets in the TPS 6.2B
Intercompany loans: .18B
BOLI/COLI CASH VALUES 5.6 BILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Tortious interference: unliquidated
Breach of contract: unliquidated
Con ésto está todo dicho, mrsimpson. Decir que los debtors están perdiendo el control del caso, cuando ya tienen el único As el manga que tenía Susman. Ahora tienen tiempo para refutar todo lo que pueda decir el EC con la valoraicón de Solomon. Esto ha sido una bajada de pantalones en toda regla, si no lo queieres ver estás muy ciego.