
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.190 / 3.346

Greenlight coge fuerza

Mensaje de Bigtexsolar en BP exponiendo motivos por los que aparentemente parece que hemos encontrado una posible operación en curso...


When I first looked into the whole Greenlight Re thing this week and examined their business more closely, then compared the identical logo on their website compared to the logo on the developing WMIH site, I was rather stunned to say the least.

"Our business is to help our clients do their business better". Identical company slogan, right down to the bolding.

Some said it was nothing. Some said it was another Dell sighting. Some said it was just a dumb web developer that used the same template to do those websites. Really??? You believe that?! Most web developers I've worked with are far too smart to make that mistake, create a new corporate website with an identical logo of another company, and then upload to a server to put it up on the web. That combined with the fact that Greenlight's website is copyrighted leads me to think that something else is going on here.

(If this has all been discussed here already I'm sorry....I've been out of the loop lately.)

So why the connection? I came up with a few ideas to ponder:

- The Obama administration is planning to take away the offshore tax sheltering of companies based here but with an offshore address, such as Greenlight Re. So, it may be that many companies that do business this way are looking to bring operations etc. back into the U.S. A $6B write-off would make this a nice feasible way to do this for them...

- It would take $1.2B to make this happen...right in the ballpark of WMI capitalization.

- They are in the right industry for a transaction for WMI.

- They are a solid company, and very profitable. They average 20% return a year for their clients, not bad. Lots of growth there as the economy turns around in the near future (we hope).

Now, right after this was brought to light on the message boards, WMI took the site down IMMEDIATELY! Coincidence? Perhaps the web developer put the site up on line for the board to see progress and give input, never thinking that some astute person would discover it being live online.

I may be off base here, but I think we MAY have found a smoking gun. I'd be interested in others' input on this. Hope I got all the facts straight...

Unicorn Tex


Y ¿Otra coincidencia? me parece que esto cada vez está mas claro.
Aquí viene el nexo de unión entre WMIH/KKR y Greenlight Capital su nombre:

"Kerry E. Berchem"

Partner, Akin Gump

Ms. Berchem’s recent engagements include serving as counsel to:

--WMI Holdings Corp., a reinsurance company, in connection with a strategic investment in the company by subsidiaries of KKR & Co. L.P.

--Greenlight Capital Re, Ltd. (NASDAQ:GLRE), a Cayman Island reinsurance company, in connection with its formation, its initial $250 million capitalization, and its $212 million initial public offering and concurrent $50 million private placement.


Re: Greenlight coge fuerza

Sin duda una operacion de cojon de mico.

¿Que opina Kala Kala?


Re: Greenlight (Rumor)

No lo se Besugo...preguntale a el por privado. Sigues mirando el arbol equivocado.
Al margen que pueda ser un rumor... no se si llegaste a ver las webs pero eran muy parecidas y cuando se destapo el tema la quitaron y la pusieron en mantenimiento algo bastante extraño... cosas más raras se han visto pero y la conexion entre las 2 empresas??? En fin que vamos a tener una semana super entretenida.


Los Robots y sus migajas manipuladoras

47 acciones en total los primeros trades... de risa! 7 acciones 10 acciones 2 acciones 28 acciones Para que luego digan que no nos manipulan... vivan los Robots!


Re: Los Robots y sus migajas manipuladoras

Parece que te tiemblan las piernas Jajaja


¿Web o no web? que pregunten al BOD

Que va hombre pero esto ha sido divertido...


El misterio de la nueva web WMIH

Sabremos más antes de 10 dias. officially pronounced from Lynne E. Graybeal Perkins Coie LLP. page will be online this week. Info emailed to an user.


Re: El misterio de la nueva web WMIH

Algo se esta maquinando mientras siguen meneando el arbol Jejeje