
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.178 / 3.346

Esperar Adquisiciones pronto más que tarde (Errico de Locust Wood Capital)

Esto se publico el 14 febrero... yo le di entonces 6 meses para la primera operación como máximo.

Indeed, at least one is becoming a kind of special purpose acquisition vehicle or company, also known as a SPAC, for leveraged buyout giant Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, reported The Street. At an investment conference Thursday, according to The Street, a hedge fund manager said KKR’s next billion-dollar deal may come via WMI Holdings, the publicly traded shell company of Washington Mutual, the failed thrift.

" The hedge fund manager, Stephen J. Errico of Locust Wood Capital Advisers, recently invested in WMI Holdings (WMIH) to benefit from any deals KKR makes. “Expect acquisitions to be announced sooner rather than later,” Errico said at the conference. In January, KKR made a “strategic investment” in WMI Holdings, including $11 million in convertible preferred stock and five-year warrants to purchase 61.4 million shares of common stock, according to The Street.

Why would KKR invest in a shell company? WMI Holdings, estimates Errico, has about $6 billion in net operating loss carryforwards, which could be applied to future profits to reduce tax liabilities. Next month, according to Errico, a two-year waiting period to use the loss carryforwards expires.that a first M&A to happen soon rather than later"


Re: Esperar Adquisiciones pronto más que tarde (Errico de Locust Wood Capital)

Vale Nostradamus


Re: Esperar Adquisiciones pronto más que tarde (Errico de Locust Wood Capital)

De nada Besuguin... se que sabes apreciar una buena Due Dilligence ;) ;) SPAC
4 de Junio... que bien nos lo vamos a pasar para bien o para mal.


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños


Tras casi un mes esperando que SelfBank reconozca mi derecho a percibir las RONs (como antiguo propietario de títulos WAHUQ o PIERS con los que voté a favor del POR (Plan of Reorganization)),he obtenido el siguiente email por respuesta

(copia pega literal del email que me ha remitido hoy Selfbank)

"Estimado Sr X,
En respuesta a su consulta, y tras confirmar con nuestro depositario americano la situación planteada y la información facilitada anteriormente por su parte, hemos de mencionarle que no disponemos de información concluyente y definitiva por parte de nuestro depositario americano que justifique el derecho y obligación de asignarle esos derechos reclamados por su parte, ya que no figura código ISIN existente en Bloomberg, al tratarse de unos códigos ISIN que no cotizan.
Quedamos a su disposición para cualquier duda o consulta en el teléfono 902 88 87 77/914 890 888 en horario de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 22:00 horas (Horario Peninsular) o en la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico [email protected]
Jesus Fernandez
Servicio Banca Multicanal  
C/ Gran Vía, 30
28013 Madrid
T + 34 91 789 40 00 EXT. 4000
F + 34 91 789 40 01
e [email protected]"

Estoy en desacuerdo y lo voy a reclamar, por favor si alguien de este foro está en la misma situación pónganse en contacto conmigo de cara a reclamar conjuntamente, si unimos nuestras voces será más fácil solucionar el problema

Un saludo


Contactar con WMITRUST

We are getting 96m in RONs and reduction of 84m in LTIs. The trust owes PIERS 240m. So, 96/240=0.40. Claim is 10.53 per Old WAHUQ/PIERS. So, 10.53*0.4=4.212 Looks like $4.212 per share coming in form of RONs. Reduction LTIs is 84m. So, 84/240=0.35. 10.53*0.35=3.6855. 10.53-3.6855=6.8445 new claim amount. 6.8455+4.212= 11.0565 estimated street value per OLD WAHUQ/PIERS share.

Bottom Line, we are getting $4.21 in RONs earning 13% and WMILT still owes you $6.84

PIK interest at time of RON distribution
RONs $4.212-$3.6855 =$0.5265

RONs = $4.21 (accruing @ 13%)
Claims = $6.84 (accruing @ 1.99%)
Total Value (RONs&Claims)Old WAHUQ now =$11.05 and growing at approximately $0.056per month

Monthly interest est. based on OLD WAHUQ/PIERS at $11.05 per share
RONs $4.21*0.13/12=$0.045/month
Claims $6.8445*0.0199/12=$0.011/ month
Total accruing interest =$0.056/month

$0.056 equates to Total PIERS Value increase of approx $1,300,000 every month (~$15.6M/yr.).

So, OLD WAHUQ/PIERS are worth in May $11.05...June $11.10..July $11.16...Aug $11.22...Sept $11.27...


Re: Contactar con WMITRUST

Muchas gracias por tu apoyo y por todo lo que has traído al hilo todos estos años!!
Las palabras no bastan, pero al menos hay que decirlo.

Acabó de hablar con Self Bank, me han admitido la entrada de los títulos pero me decían que no son líquidos ni cotizan.....
Les he pedido por el momento un certificado

Una cosa, vendí el año 2013 unas pocas WMIH, de cara a la declaración de la renta de este año necesito ver los conversion rates ( es decir las WAMPQ,WAMKQ y WAMUQ de donde provienen esas WMIH)

WithCatz dejó el tema claro en este post " "

WithCatz Member Level Thursday, 03/29/12 07:50:55 PM
Re: None
Post # of 399877
Conversion Ratios - Old Equity into WMI Holdings Commons

It depends on what you held. If you held commons (WAMUQ), Preferreds (WAMPQ and WAMKQ), as to the conversion ratios.

The "announcement" is below...

But the summary is this:

Commons, WAMUQ = 1 old share = 0.03349842 new shares - WMIH ticker, commons

Preferreds, WAMKQ {called Series K below} = 1 old share = 0.4950146 new shares - WMIH ticker, commons

Preferreds, WAMPQ {Called Series R below} = 1 old share = 19.80058 new shares - WMIH ticker, commons

Keep in mind, that there are 200,000,000 "New" WMIH commons... so while you may have ended up with "less shares" it's also a much smaller "pool" of shares.

Additionally, existing Preferreds are no longer "preferred" in the new company -- everything got converted, at differing ratios, into WMIH commons.

*ALSO* You should have an additional "security {escrow}" that "equals" to the number of shares pre-conversion. This is for any "Liquidation/Litigation" proceeds -- well down the line -- that may flow into pre-conversion holders accounts. This escrow is for tracking, it will be ZERO for a long time.


P.S. No, I do not have ratios for DimeQ, nor do I have any analysis on WAHUQ's -- both had varying options to elect from, and I don't know answers there.

{Request mod Stickie}

From johnnyiwantsome on BP

From: Edgar G. Sargent
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 4:36 PM
To: barry
Subject: RE: Wamu

Here's information I just received from Alvarez showing conversion ratios:

142,500,000 (75% of 190,000,000) are distributed to holders of preferred securities as well as claims subordinated to the level of preferred. Total disputed claims at the preferred level are $106,514,585.09. For those claims, 2,109,051 shares are reserved. The remaining 140,390,949 are distributed evenly by liquidation preference across the $7.5 billion of preferred shares. However, while the TPS are denominated in 1,000s, the Series K has a face amount per share of $25.

For the TPS, 3,729,658.260 shares provided releases and will receive 73,849,406 shares or 19.80058 new shares per old share. This share count is after giving effect to the mandatory exchange.

For Series R, 2,906,421 shares provided releases and will receive 57,548,829 or 19.8005825 new shares per old share.

For Series K, 18,166,565 shares provided releases and will receive 8,992,714 shares or 0.4950146 new shares per old share.

For the common shareholders, they are receiving 47,500,000 shares of which 4,165,750 shares go to the Dime Warrant holders, 2,631,933 shares are reserved for disputed equity claims, 693,806 shares will be distributed to Principal Financial on account of their claims and existing common will get 40,008,511 shares. For each share of existing common granting releases in the total amount of 1,194,340,178 shares, they will receive 0.03349842 shares.

Because no fractional shares are being issued, the percentages for each holder may vary due to rounding. I'm not sure what you are using this information for, but that's an important point for holders.

Hope this gets you what you need. I'm out until tomorrow so if you have any follow up I will probably respond then.


Pero Mr Simpson, este Link (y su contenido) no son un documento oficial,

sabes donde (en el POR (Plan ofReorganization) o en el DS (Disclosure Statement), etc) puedo encontrar la referencia a estos ratios de conversión en algún documento válido para Hacienda (documento oficial)???

Gracias de nuevo

Un saludo y ánimo, la cosa pinta mejor


Re: Contactar con WMITRUST

Senior First Lien Notes : CUSIP 92936PAA8; ISIN CODE (Código ISIN) : WAMU3885938
Senior Second Lien Notes : CUSIP 92936PAB6; ISIN CODE (Código ISIN) : WAMU3885939

Además ya ha habido transacciones con estos bonos en FINRA:

He hablado con SelfBank y les he pedido un certificado que haga constar que soy beneficiario de parte de la entrada de títulos (RONs) que han tenido, la liquidez o no de los mismos es una consideración posterior...