
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
498 / 3.346

Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!

Te dejo algo para descentrarte un rato:

"Weil should be pressing the discovery and taking depositions. They should include a firm that has experience in criminal law and press forward with the investigation".

Unfortunately Weil is looking to wrap this up and get paid, and move foward with doing business with JPMC. What they are forgetting is that failure to report criminal activity to the US-DOJ can cause the banruptcy law firm to itself file bankruptcy after WAMUQ shareholders sue the pants off them!"


Re: Comentario Joyce

Tienes toda la razón Mr, no se cuando hizo este comentario exactamente, pero creo que fue hace tiempo. Estoy contigo que aunque no lo sean capaces de conseguir, el objetivo debería ser como minimo 8$.

Lo que esta claro es que hay que darles todo nuestro apoyo, por que luchar contra toda la maquinaría pesada judicial de los grandes va a ser una tarea titanica, pero nadie mejor que alguien de nuestra propia estirpe para defendernos y saber todo lo que nos han hecho pasar en estos 16 meses.

Creo que Weil hace mal encarandose tan descaradamente contra el EC, lo unico que va a conseguir es que las ganas de todos por machacarlos sean aún mayores.



Re: Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!

Quien tiene que contratar un penalista es Dimon con la que le va a caer


La película antes del EC era esta...

Weil was going to settle and let JPM and the fdic off the hook completely. with the ec, if they stay tough weils end game was fcked up by the ec. that is why rosen keeps the whine going.

i have said this way before the rosen whine in dec at the omnibus, 1 of 2 scenarios was in play without the ec.

1. noteholders get paid in full, p's get 20cents on the dollar and commons get canceled. that is the standard play.


2. as part of the reorg plan, A stays less then L and rosen pleads the reorg based on this situation and then throws in that weil will keep the lawsuits going with new stock offered to the note holders, with equity canceled, then weil goes stealth and they settle with jpm and fdic and the note holders make a killing. no one cares because the public won't know a thing.

the ec fkd up both possibilities, now rosen has to divulge all aspects of any settlement to the ec, not only that, the ec can object in court based on evidence that they will have. rosen now has to fight for everything they want, this will get very adversarial between rosen and the ec. you see how rosen whines like a baby now that he is not getting his way.

the first test is coming up shortly for the ec attorneys to see what balz they have regarding defending their existence. they should write the best hard hitting doc that they can come up with, the should shoot down rosen/weil hard, no soft shoe should be used. they should make rosen look like an idiot the same way rosen makes jpm look like an idiot in court.

for example, putting in one of the reasons to disband the ec is because of share price. i would fking crucify rosen in front of the judge for that and the other stupid rationale. if they write a strong doc, we know we are in good hands, if they puzz out, watch out.

joyce, are you listening, lol, that women accomplished something that is unheard of by getting this ec established. i am so glad they are mostly retail share holders where principle will come before sell out to big money. all imo


Re: La película antes del EC era esta...

La pregunta es por que estos escenarios que Weil estaba construyendo, iban a ser aceptados por WMI, que es lo que gana la empresa?, Si muy bien, sale de la bancarrota y se reorganiza (no se en que negocio, pero bueno), y deja esfumarse billones de dolares en un juicio contra JPM y la FDIC, no se, igual es que yo un poco duro de mollera pero no yo no le veo logica ninguna.

Entiendo que puedas pactar por un 80 un 60 hasta un 50% de lo que consideras que podrias obtener en un jucio 5 años mas tarde, pero por salvar escasamente la equidad con las preferentes y eso gracias al cambio de ley del NOL, no me entra en la cabeza, que sentido tiene?
No es que quiera buscarle 5 pies al gato, pero no os parece muy raro?


Re: La película antes del EC era esta...

Sea lo que fuere eso no ocurrirá.
Somos el grano en el culo de estos bribones.


Re: La película antes del EC era esta...

Ole Ole y ole !!!! ... Venerando se acabo la historia. :) :) :)

San Palop al rescate



Ya ves los habeis tenido por corbata

Tenemos demasiadas Copas en las vitrinas.

Que ganeis la final.