
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
522 / 3.346

Sumario de las mociones del 15 enero

Just to summarize yesterday:

Voluntary agreement´s reached with third parties:



Henry Paulson:

Objection´s of third parties to Debtors' Motion for an Order Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004:



Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco:


Toronto-Dominion Bank:

FDIC Receiver:


Partial Objections of third parties:

Standard & Poor´s:

Wells Fargo:

Debtors' Fifth Motion for Order Pursuant to Section 1121(d) of the Bankruptcy Code Extending Exclusive Periods for the Filing of a Chapter 11 Plan and Solicitation of Acceptances Thereto (OCR Version, Thanks to Ghost)

Summary of Monthly Application of Shearman & Sterling LLP for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of Expenses as Special Tax Litigation Counsel to the Debtors and Debtors in Possession for December 2009


Re: Sumario de las mociones del 15 enero

Mr_Simpson podrías darnos una explicaión asi por alto de que significan todos estos documentos y con que fin se han firmado? Son acuerdos verdad, si lo son que significado tienen?

Gracias de antemano por el gran trabajo que realizas en el foro.


Re: Sumario de las mociones del 15 enero

Basicamente hay 2 buenas noticias.

1. Fed, Tesoro y Paulson estan cooperandon (gargantas profundas) con Weil.
2. El periodo de exclusividad ha sido extendido (por ultima vez). Hasta 26 marzo o 26 mayo. Pasada esta fecha WMI tiene obligatoriamente que formular un plan de reorganización ya no habrá más retrasos o lo formula WMI o lo formulara el EC.

"By this motion (the "Motion"), the Debtors request pursuant to section 1121(d) of the Bankruptcy Code entry of the proposed order substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A," extending the Plan and Solicitation Periods through and including March 26, 20 I 0 and May 26, 2010, respectively."

Estamos atornillando todas las salidas que nos hacian temblar. Próxima parada 28 enero. Esta semana los más arriesgados tienen el ultimo tren para Paradise Island. ¿quien se monta? :) :) :)


SEC Corrupta !!!! Kirsten dale leña al mono...

The SEC requests that this Court deny the Debtors rule 2004 motion because the Debtors' INTEREST IN OBTAINING INFORMATION sought "IS CLEARLY OUTWEIGHED by the SECs (KEYWORD here, interest!) 'INTEREST' in AVOIDING the burden of disclosure.

Ok corrupt SEC assholes, let me get this straight. NEVERMIND your job, you are simply worried about your corrupt, complicit agenda being exposed, yes? You Madoff warned/blind-eyed clowns are NOW in the business of objecting to a motion because it is somehow inconvenient for you to comply with it? LMAO wow, this is truly revealing, yet truly sad and downright perverse at the same time.
This is yet another criminal enterprise within the bloated, corrupt government that should be disbanded immediately. Please read this conclusion and think about the SECs language used.

The SEC has AN INTEREST in avoiding (the burden of) discovery! What they TRULY have an interest in, is NOT being exposed for the clear, fraudulently role that they played in the bank robbery of the millenium.
What exactly would be this undue burden they are SO concerned with? Actually doing their job and providing the tape/trading/short selling record of JPIG and other related firms? What is SO burdensome about that?
This is supposed to be PART of their job! This is simply an outrage.
Does anyone else view this as an admission of guilt on their part? They are at the very least, HIDING something.
What possibly could that be?
We already know about the naked short sale list scam, Im sure they want those skeletons to remain in the closet, along with that puppet Cox.
This is simply an outrage.
Next, read the footnote at the bottom of the page.
HOW can this joke of an organization invoke the 'privilege' argument here with a straight face? Were these NOT publically traded companies at the time in question? Isnt major exchange trading supposed to be public information?
Well ok SEC, invoke privilege with regards to the existing, incriminating documents, and lets see what Walrath has to say about it.
Burn up that email inbox about this. This is an outrage.

Joyce, Ty, and all others on the EC that might be reading this, PLEASE PUSH THIS ISSUE until it gives in!
Those documents are COFFIN NAILS in JPIG, Paulson, Cox, and Bair. Vital to the case for all equity classes.
All my opinion of course, but clearly the SEC is hiding something with this objection. Frivolous.


Ahora si...

Compre unas 800 en marzo en U$S 4, las ultimas las solte en U$S 24 y pase todo a comunes porque en ese momento estaban atrasadas segun la relación que se venia manejando...HACE DIAS QUE ME DOY CON LA CABEZA CONTRA LA PARED...

Con las pequeñas no me pasara, llevo unas 70.000 y duplicaré esta semana la "apuesta"...




Re: Sumario de las mociones del 15 enero

Gracias Mr, la verdad es que son buenas noticias, cada vez le quedan menos salidas a JPM, si es que alguna vez las tuvo. La extensión definitiva del periodo de exclusividad, me parece de lo mejor, asi ya tenemos un objetivo definitivo fijado en el horizonte.


Lo que va a ocurrir desde YA... post MUY IMPORTANTE


Weil will not obtain requisite votes to confirm its plan by May 26th now that an EC has been formed unless such a plan entails so generous a settlement that the EC would be persuaded to back off.

This is highly unlikely given the FDIC and JPM have acted stupidly thus far, so there's no reason to believe they'll change their delay strategy now.

The problem for JPM and the FDIC is they cannot control the EC -- only Weil can by becoming the EC's ally. Indeed, once Weil's motion to dissolve the EC is denied it will suddenly become best friends with the EC, who unless Weil cooperates will threaten its own 2004 and otherwise flog Weil to use its powers to terrorize JPM and the FDIC.

Remember this is a unique Chapter 11 where shareholders' misery was directly caused by two known miscreants. Joyce and Ty as injured retail investors (and, I expect, other EC members) are energized to a zealous fervor, and won't be satisfied with a paltry settlement.

JPM and the FDIC stand to become the biggest losers because JPM could have settled last Spring when its stock recovered, but now the EC may very well seek its own 2004 and demand $ well beyond anything JPM may have imagined.

Moreover, Weil won't be able to bluff the EC with an argument that equity is worthless after forthcoming MORs reflect receipt of the NOLs, etc. (I have always suspected the MORs were manipulated to reflect A as a very conservative figure to the preserve the insolvency argument. Now I am convinced it was also to convince the UST that there was no need for an EC.) As an aside, the bondholders will be completely undone as A will be > L, and equity will be the only constituency that really matters.

McMahon's actions are a far cry from the image of the UST when I practiced Chapter 11 (the UST was generally derided as a gadfly). He has done the right thing in timely fashion and is fulfilling the legislative intent for the office.


Re: Lo que va a ocurrir desde YA... post MUY IMPORTANTE

Jesus, Quién es Mc MAHON?