
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
550 / 3.346


Como se puede ver los acreedores van a su bola y lo que quieren es cobrar y que se gaste lo menos posible en mas grupos integrados en la Compañía.

1.-En primer lugar, no hay necesidad de un Comité de Equidad de
porque los intereses de los titulares de acciones ya están suficientemente representados
Y a menos que las recuperaciones de los litigios son
suficiente para pagar todos los acreedores en su totalidad - con intereses según el caso - no será simplemente
no queda nada para los titulares de acciones, ya sea en acciones preferidas o comunes de equidad.
5 Aunque la Oficina del Fideicomisario de los Estados Unidos pueden determinar, a su discreción, ya sea para nombrar a un
comité oficial de los titulares de acciones, un tribunal de quiebras tiene derecho a revisar la decisión de novo. 7 DE COLLIER
11- poco probable que haya conflictos entre los acreedores y tenedores de acciones sobre la valoración
metodología o flujo de efectivo. Tanto los deudores y los Comité de Acreedores tienen todos los incentivos
para continuar persiguiendo agresivamente los litigios y discusiones de arreglo y seguir
determinar los méritos de todas las reclamaciones contra las haciendas. Los intereses de los Comité de Acreedores
y tenedores de acciones lo que han sido - y es probable que siga siendo - en estrecha sintonía y,
Por lo tanto, los intereses de la equidad están suficientemente representados. In re Williams Commc'ns Group, Inc., 281
B.R. 216, 222 (Bankr. SDNY 2002) (sosteniendo que un comité de equidad no era necesario
porque, entre otras razones, los intereses de los deudores y los accionistas en la maximización de
la propiedad y reclamaciones desafiantes estaban estrechamente alineados).
II. Un Comité de Equidad Diario circunstancia creará demoras y gastos
12- Tribunal debe considerar "si el costo de un comité adicional supera significativamente a los
la preocupación por la representación adecuada ". En Spansion re, Inc., 2009 WL 4906565, * 2 (énfasis
añadido) (citando a In re Williams Commc'n Group, Inc., 281 BR en 220). En total, los deudores empleo
por lo menos 19 firmas de profesionales, incluyendo abogados, asesores financieros, la reestructuración y la
los profesionales de cambio, consultores, contables y banqueros de inversión. Entre los
Los deudores y los Comité de Acreedores, hay seis propiedades retenidas por los bufetes de abogados se centró en la
Litigios. "El nombramiento de un comité de equidad plantea problemas de costos ya que tal
los nombramientos son "seguidos de cerca por las aplicaciones para retener abogados y contadores
13. Además de los costes directos, la entrada de la Comisión de Equidad de casi
será sin duda perjudicial para las múltiples negociaciones en curso entre las partes, causando demoras y más
hinchazón del coste administrativo total a los acreedores de las haciendas


Un banco que era demasiado grande para fallar que obligó al gobierno a tomar posesión de él y darlo a JPM

¿Es demasiado simplista? OK, ¿qué tal si fue después de JPMorgan Chase porque tiene una gran base de depósitos y lo invierte junto con sus socios? Bueno, la razón por la que tiene una gran base de depósitos es que el gobierno pidió a la empresa a comprar Washington Mutual, Un banco que era demasiado grande para fallar que obligó al gobierno a tomar posesión de él y darle a JPM, que es exactamente lo que pasó porque JPM seguro no compró el "real" de Washington Mutual. Ellos no son tan estúpidos.

Goldman Sachs Is Obama's Scapegoat

By Jim Cramer
RealMoney Columnist
1/22/2010 6:38 AM EST
Click here for more stories by Jim Cramer Try Jim Cramer's Action Alerts PLUS

What did Goldman Sachs (GS - commentary - Trade Now) do to deserve this? That's all I can think of in the second day of President Obama's nuclear strike against firms that invest in anything other than plain-vanilla loans.

If you parse the words of Obama's statement Thursday you come out with three thrusts: Smaller banks will keep us out of trouble and will not be needed to be bailed out and what causes a bank to need bailing is private-equity and hedge fund investing.

In other words, Goldman Sachs could cause a bailout because it does the most hedge fund investing and private equity of any of the publicly traded firms.

No wonder Obama picked the same day as Goldman Sachs' conference call -- he was talking about Goldman. I wish he had been on the call.

"Congratulations guys, on a good quarter, let this be the last one because you made so much money," he might have said. At least everyone wouldn't have had to be punished for Goldman's sin of making too much money.

Is that too glib? OK, how about if he was after JPMorgan Chase because it has a huge deposit base and it invests alongside its partners? Well, the reason why it has such a huge deposit base is that the government asked the firm to buy Washington Mutual, a bank that was too big to fail that forced the government to take it over and give it to JPM, which is exactly what happened because JPM sure didn't buy the "real" Washington Mutual. They aren't that stupid.

So, how about this one for irony: A bank that almost brought the whole system down because of reckless mortgage lending, because it did no hedge fund/private-equity investing, gets bought by a prudent bank that does do hedge fund and private-equity investing. If Treasury had decided to let Washington Mutual die instead of Lehman would we be now saying banks have to do private equity and proprietary trading because look what risky mortgage lending did?


Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños



Aqui lo han clavao...lean señores Wamusitos

The best is yet to come…. 21-Jan-10 11:47 pm This action has gone too far, Weil is entangled in his own “Rosen” web, JPM and the FDIC have a subpoena to appear, EC has savvy representation and Quill, Emanuel are chomping at the bit to bring the FDIC and JPM down, (because they know they can) in there bid for top dog.

Going back to early last year I said the drama here would be worthy of an Oscar and as soon as Quinn gets the OK, he will (to be candid) step on Bair and Jamie’s throats. Further, I believe the court will provide WMI with the scope for discovery to load there arsenal. Quinn’s firm is aggressive in their appearance’s and as well as there filings and they will, in the next few months do an unbridled full court press on discovery and depositions, controlling the situation with fear!

Do not expect any courtesy’s as previously offered by Weil, as WMI and the EC, et al have no interest in being respectful to the FDIC and JPM’s continued avoidance to acknowledge their wrong doing. Every person on the other side of WMI and connected to this fiasco are now at the cusp of wondering if they are “safe” from being sucked into a criminal action so devastating to their reputation and “financial well being”, (perfectly natural for a banker) and I believe they are worried about it at this very moment.

And they have much to worry about, as the damaging info now available has certainly reached some inquisitive reporters and a government committee. Now just to give you an idea where that puts the FDIC and JPM,… it’s in the @#$%-house! I now truly wonder if there is time to stop this charade from turning into a bloody mess for the FDIC and JPM, as a settlement may not stop a government inquiry. The only difference is, if they do a global settlement now, with full knowledge of a pending inquiry, they may not have to pay damages later. However, if they draw this out and the Insurance lawsuit and / or the government inquiry reveals illegal underpinnings, JPM as well as Dimon are totally fu*ked not to mention many of the surrounding individuals.

This is now entering the moment of truth, because everyone has clear and lucid knowledge what happens to liars and perjurer’s caught, they go down with the entire lot. Government committee’s as farcical as they sometimes are, have no leniency for frauds and liars who show disrespect to their jobs and positions, especially during show time.

Bair’s stupidity clearly got her in this mess and Jamie’s ego drove them to play this game, ( with an added boost by Paulsen) thinking he would get away or get away cheap
..WRONG, big mistake and if you go back a year, I said that filing that intervention was the dumbest thing they could do. Critical mass may be only a week away and that could be any one or combination of rulings from Judge Sleet or Walrath and once that happens, the pressure to settle will be taking place on another more costly level, far above the fu*k-off we were almost ready to receive.

Time is now on our side and each day this drags out the more the piper pays, so be patient a satisfactory resolve is in our future, down to the commons…..


Re: aqui lo han clavao...lean señores Wamusitos

De momento la cotización ni se inmuta, si para la semana que viene no tenemos subidas con volumen, casi con seguridad que el 28 la jueza sólo escuchará argumentos y no tomará una decisión hasta el proximo hearing u otra fecha. Veremos que ocurre con la zanahoria a que fecha la pasan.



Re: aqui lo han clavao...lean señores Wamusitos

Pero como va a despegar la acción cuando todos estan en contra del E.C., bonistas, acreedores, algunos accionistas mayoritarios, el propio Consejo de administración de WMI que se supone que debe representar al accionariado.


Re: aqui lo han clavao...lean señores Wamusitos

Una pregunta cuando seria la prox fecha, las medidas de Obama no nos están favoreciendo demasiado,