La Juez Walrath esta a punto de agotar su paciencia
I agree with the sentiment of the board . . . and like most of us have learned, the judge cannot rule on something that has not been presented to her to rule on! Every time there is the opportunity for THMW to rule on something - one of the parties interjects with another item to be ruled on before she can make an ultimate ruling.
I felt the frustration in her voice. She is the Queen in the chess game and everytime there is the opportunity for her to move there is some distraction out there which prevents her move. Frankly, I heard a whole lot of . . . . I'm getting real tired of this stuff, you guys better know what you're doing, because if you don't, I will decide for you!
I really don't think the average investor, street dot com, reuters, or any of the others understand this. We, IMO, have a huge advantage here, I heard frustration from a person who is not used to having to go through this kind of thing in her courtroom . . . her comments were an outburst of sorts. I took it as all good! As did many on this board. Judge Mary is ready to kick butt, but she will follow procedure up until the point where it is no longer something she is expected to do! She will rule if she is put in that corner and I think she will rule on several items at once. She understands that the end of March is right around the corner and the time to play patty cake is over. She wants this to be settled one way or another.