
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
821 / 3.346

Re: Omnibus Thread for Hearing Impaired

Mr Simpson puedes colgar el Link de donde has leido esos comentarios.
Un saludo y gracias.


Re: Omnibus Thread for Hearing Impaired

UNa pregunta Mr. Simpson de donde sale lo de que se ha hablado del GLOBAL settlement/understanding???

Yo las noticias que veo citadas son todas refiriendose "over who owns about 4$ billion in deposits" en ningun lugar veo nada d global. Bueno a ver si tenemos suerte dentro de poco


No fiaros de las noticias fiaros de los accionistas que estaban en la Sala escuchando a los abogados !!!!

those who did are saying, it sounds as if the hearing was delayed for an hour while discussions occurred in the Judge's chambers. What could they have been talking about? Here's what we know to be facts:

1) The $4 billion SJ motion was way overdue for ruling and was on the agenda for today's hearing. The ruling was likely to be in WMI's favor.
2) The EC has moved to hold a stockholder's meeting. The only reason for such a meeting is to gain additional leverage for the EC.
3) The EC has moved to intervene.
4) Today's hearing was delayed and discussion moved to chambers.
5) Settlement discussions have been ongoing in the last two weeks.

All of these taken together suggest that JPM has caved and put a serious offer on the table that the other parties are inclined to look at favorably. The discussions in chambers would have been tot he effect that 'we think we have a deal...we need a few days to work out the final details' with the judge saying 'how much time...let's put a limit on it' and 'here are the things that any deal has to address' and so on.


Re: No fiaros de las noticias fiaros de los accionistas que estaban en la Sala escuchando a los abogados !!!!

Yo creo que no llegamos ni al Viernes. Settlement este fin de semana y anuncio la semana próxima. En mi opinión, claro.


Re: No fiaros de las noticias fiaros de los accionistas que estaban en la Sala escuchando a los abogados !!!!

Si os mareais tomaos una Biodramina. Gráfico intradía


Re: No fiaros de las noticias fiaros de los accionistas que estaban en la Sala escuchando a los abogados !!!!

Subiendo gota a gota...cierre de cortos?


Re: No fiaros de las noticias fiaros de los accionistas que estaban en la Sala escuchando a los abogados !!!!



Re: No fiaros de las noticias fiaros de los accionistas que estaban en la Sala escuchando a los abogados !!!!

Wow de repente un salto en volumen y la cotizacion subiendo!!!