
Gamesa for ever

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Gamesa for ever
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Gamesa for ever
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Re: Gamesa for ever

Buenas facundo2 yo no e sido el de la orden ,pero me hubiese gustado ,mañana se va a los 14,90 antes de las 10 de la mañana
o eso espero
PD. Pero estos trileros no la pueden liar

Dá tu opinión ,y deja que los demás den la suya .Gracias muy amable


Re: Gamesa for ever

Pues yo no las suelto hasta los 18 o 17 euros


Re: Gamesa for ever

Buenas noches a todos. ¿creéis que este tirón su tope andará por ahí 17 18?


Re: Gamesa for ever

Esto de adivinar no es lo mio , pero yo tengo mucha confianza de que para febrero si todo evoluciona como hasta ahora estará en 18 o 17 euros (si el ibex llega a 11200 claro y si no pues al infierno con todos los demas.)

o en 12 euros otra vez ?


Re: Gamesa for ever

Buenas tardes ,he vendido a 14,25 ,la presión me podía
haber si descargan un poco los indicadores

Dá tu opinión ,y deja que los demás den la suya .Gracias muy amable


Re: Gamesa for ever

Yo tb me lo estoy pensando pq un 25% en una semana es para pensarselo.Saludos


Re: Gamesa for ever

muy bien hecho ¡¡¡¡¡¡:):):), yo seguire


Re: Gamesa for ever

Precisamente en esa zona tiene una fuerte resistencia 14,2 de superarla la ss son 15,7 veremos
q hace.Saludos


Re: Gamesa for ever

Intentaré cogerla mas abajo claro,que esta tiene recorrido

no se si se ve algo y eso que le e quitado unas pocas lineas jajajaja

Dá tu opinión ,y deja que los demás den la suya .Gracias muy amable


Re: Gamesa for ever

Gamesa va a lanzar un nuevo modelo de turbina, sera el mas potente del mercado.

7 October 2015
Adwen and Fraunhofer IWES have signed an agreement to test the drivetrain for Adwen’s next generation turbine of 8MW rated power, the largest offshore turbine on the market.

Under the terms of the agreement, the 8MW drive train will be tested in IWES´s new Dynalab (Dynamic Nacelle Testing Laboratory) site, a unique test stand located in Bremerhaven, Germany, which is to be inaugurated on October 20th.

The DyNaLab is one of the world’s largest and the most versatile test facility for nacelle testing. Fraunhofer IWES has invested around 35 Million Euros over the past years to design and build the facility.

“We expect to offer the wind industry valuable support for a more reliable design process and faster secure market introduction of new wind turbines” pointed out Prof. Jan Wenske, deputy director of Fraunhofer IWES.

The process, to be carried out from December 2015, will cover mechanical testing on the integral chain of drive train components. By simulating operational conditions but as well offshore conditions for extreme and fatigue loads, a critical move forward will be achieved in the verification of gearbox, bearings, couplings, shaft, generator and converter. The process will allow individual and fully integrated subsystems’ validation as well as complete drive train operation at full power, paramount for de-risking before prototype erection in 2016.

Adwen’s 8MW turbine has already been selected for a pipeline of projects reaching almost 1.5GW. Its serial production is scheduled to start in 2018, at Adwen’s industrial sites in France and Germany.

Maite Basurto, Chief Technology Officer of Adwen said: “The IWES Dynalab test stand is an invaluable asset for the wind industry. Adwen immediately chose to take advantage of this opportunity: IWES Dynalab testing is a complementary step in our extensive validation program. It will contribute to having a faster certification process and finally a more reliable turbine available in serial production in 2018”.


Re: Gamesa for ever
.October 7 (SeeNews) - Adwen, the 50/50 joint venture between France’s Areva (EPA:AREVA) and Spain’s Gamesa (BME:GAM), has agreed to test the drivetrain for its next generation 8-MW offshore wind turbine at a new Fraunhofer IWES site in Germany.

More specifically, starting in December Adwen will undertake mechanical testing on the integral chain of drive train components at the Dynamic Nacelle Testing Laboratory, DyNaLab, in Bremerhaven, the company said today.

Over the past years, Fraunhofer IWES has spent some EUR 35 million (USD 39.3m) on designing and building the German nacelle testing facility and expects to inaugurate it on October 20.

Adwen anticipates to erect a prototype of the offshore wind turbine next year and to start serial production in 2018 at factories in both France and Germany. The machine has already been chosen for a pipeline of projects reaching 1.5 GW, the firm noted.

parece que el nuevo modelo de turbina sera el mas potente del mercado y los alemanes van a colaborar con el proyecto..

ok ok :) :)


Re: Gamesa for ever

no lo entiendo ?? no quiero ser muy optimista pero en unas SEMANAs cuanto suba un poco mas 10700 el ibex gamesa se nos pone en 16 SIN DESPEINARSE.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Pues los futuros del ibex ahora estan en 10300 y pico ,,,, como abrira games hoy ?? cerca de los 15 euros? supongo que empezara por 14,50 o mejor que meta un meneo hasta 15,10 euracos


Re: Gamesa for ever

vaya fracaso , hoy se mueve menos que los railes del tren ¡¡¡¡¡¡


Re: Gamesa for ever

Buenas tardes ,gráfico 10 minutos saludos

Dá tu opinión ,y deja que los demás den la suya .Gracias muy amable

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