
Gamesa for ever

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Gamesa for ever
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Gamesa for ever
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Re: Gamesa for ever

El precio de GAMESA es bastante más alto de 17, si Siemens se hace con ella hará buena compra


Re: Gamesa for ever

Hace tiempo que me salí de Gamesa, fue en un bajón. Espero que los que quedáis os vaya bien, es una empresa española...( o era? si pasa a manos extranjeras) que trabaja para lograr un mundo mejor, ahi es nada. Suerte a todos.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Bueno segun esta noticia las negociaciones llevaran varias meses o semanas , y segun parece algunos analistos la valoran razonablemente en 19 o 19,50 euros.
A ver esos profesionales de rankia que opinan.

.Siemens ideas to perform an operation in Spain which could turn into the greatest global renewable energy company by market place share. The German will take months of negotiations with Gamesa, which has provided merging “certain” assets of its wind vitality with the organization primarily based in Zamudio (Vizcaya), as explained sources familiar with the articles operation, and the organization confirmed in a statement sent to the Nationwide Securities Marketplace Commission (CNMV).

Whilst “has not yet taken any choice or any agreement has materialized” the outcome could occur imminently in the coming weeks, as the operation is mature, advancing the identical sources. Both turbine producer Siemens and Iberdrola (major shareholder of Gamesa, with of capital) declined to comment on the matter. A single of the issues on the table is the value of this friendly takeover bid: Bankinter considers “sensible” that the German would supply a premium of at least 20% compared to the 14.forty of the earlier Thursday. Analysts such as Goldman Sachs and Societe Generale set even larger charges, of amongst 19 and 19.five euro


Re: Gamesa for ever

Por último tenemos a Gamesa. El viernes pasado el valor se disparaba tras conocerse las negociaciones de Siemens con Iberdrola para comprar Gamesa. La eléctrica es el máximo accionista del fabricante de aerogeneradores con cerca de un 20% de su capital. Las fuertes ganancias del 20% del pasado viernes han propiciado que la compañía arrase los máximos históricos situados en los 16,74 euros. Esto le permite cotizar en subida libre por lo que no sería raro que acabáramos viendo los 20 euros en las próximas semanas.

Leer más: Tres valores del Ibex 35 que mantienen la tendencia alcista contra viento y marea - Bolsamaní


Re: Gamesa for ever

"Honey, what are you doing? It´s not even 6.30!...are you finally travelling today?", she yells

He is opening his laptop now and answers quietly "No, darling, I am staying at home as I promised but let me look to the screen and I will go back with you. Just a sec., ok?".

Today is the first day of a new month and as he promised her after his second and stronger heart attack, John has planned a family day and will stay at home. He will work some hours, a couple of webmeetings with the Japanese and probably with old Trumps right hand who is calling him every fucking day since last week. He desesperatly needs him to support the election of the guy...what the hell?, now, after so many years of driving soft he finds himself messing with the Tea party?, wow!!, what a meeting for a rest day...but hey, he has to get along well with the "Stupid party" and with the Democrats too....Barack himself told that same thing to him during their last Golf match together in Barbados...

He grabs the phone and dials the only phone number he knows by heart "Bob, how is the Siemens spyder net going today?",...

...Bob was wondering why the Big Boss was taking so long to make the this point he knew that the call was starting to be already late...damn first of month!!.....but, who wants the first fruit when the sweetest one is there waiting to be picked up?...

Bob glances the screen and says, "Hi Boss, as it was expected, the Spanish don´t know what the hell is going to happen, and Siem people is still counting on us...we should start..., MS, GS and others have already started to shoot in black, shall I?"

The Big Boss, takes a breath, watches for a couple of sweet seconds the picture of the kids that is next to the window, takes a short look to his wife, 20 years younger waiting for what is suposed to be hers and states..."Bob, go ahead put the shares in a rocket and lets make some Spaniards happy...I bet that they deserve later, I will be busy a couple of hours now"

It is 6.30 now, the Big Boss,shuts the laptop, breaths heavy and decides to enjoy what he believes is much more expensive than some millions of shares across the Ocean...something mild, sassy and full of life...the same life he wished to still have at his disposal...but that, unfortunately cannot be buyed in the market.

(to be continued)


Re: Gamesa for ever

la última letra no la entendí.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Sounds nice, thanks.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Las posiciones cortas van desapareciendo en Gamesa, solo queda una posicion de marshal wace 1%


Re: Gamesa for ever

Dónde miras las posiciones cortas?


Re: Gamesa for ever

Lo importante ahora es no perder el nivel 16,70, importante resistencia ahora soporte, a partir de ahi
donde llegara dependerá de lo q haga el ibex y s/ todo como acaba el tema con siemens ,si consolida esa zona
me plantearé una entrada.Saludos


Re: Gamesa for ever

Se dice que Siemens está dispuesta a pagar hasta los 19,50-20€ si es necesario y que Vestas puede llegar a hacer contraoferta. Así pues, esto puede llegar a ponerse muuuuy interesante. Allá cada cual con sus jurdeles.


Re: Gamesa for ever

La Sociedad comunica la firma de un contrato en México para el suministro de aerogeneradores por una potencia total de 200 MW.


Re: Gamesa for ever

Gracias Facundo!!

Parece que está aguantando como una jabata el 16.60...A ver si no se despeña....


Re: Gamesa for ever

Varios medios ponen un precio objetivo de 20 euros / 21 euros por acción. De ser cierto, a 16,7 euros que cotiza hoy hablamos de una rentabilidad aprox. de 22%... No esta nada mal

Un saludo