Re: Arcelor Mittal (MTS)
El mineral del hierro cerca de maximos de tres meses:
Iron ore price nears 3-month high
Iron ore added 0.3 per cent to $US60.70 a tonne overnight, according to The Steel Index, after jumping to $US60.50 the previous day. (AFP)
The iron ore price has pushed to a fresh near three-month high, ahead of Rio Tinto’s first-half earnings report.
Iron ore added 0.3 per cent to $US60.70 a tonne overnight, according to The Steel Index, after jumping to $US60.50 the previous day.
The price rise comes despite the news that Rio Tinto has approved plans to expand its Silvergrass iron ore mine, adding another 10 million tonnes of extra production capacity. Extra supply would usually be a dampener on prices.
The commodity is at its highest level since May 4, when it settled at $US61, in a rally that has surprised analysts calling for price declines given the oversupplied market. Several banks expect iron ore to fall to a level between the low $US40s and the low $US50s over the rest of this year and next.
Over the course of this year, the iron ore price has rallied some 41 per cent from its December 31 close of $US42.90, boosted by the Chinese government’s stimulus plans and seasonal restocking by Chinese steel mills.
Si los precios del acero y el hierro se mantienen como el anterior trimestre volveriamos a ver un EBDITA sobre 1700 millones y con eso alcanzar en 9 meses el objetivo de EBDITA de la empresa para todo el año (4500 millones). El mes de julio ya pasó tan solo quedan dos meses mas... yo creo que es muy factible repetir las cifras del trimestre anterior... Con clashflow positivo, EBDITA creciente, beneficios operativos, rebaja de deuda, aranceles de Europa a productos chinos apunto de aprobarse en Agosto/Septiembre... la accion deberia seguir subiendo mes a mes hasta la presentacion en Noviembre de los resultados del tercer trimestre. Pero ya conoceis a la cabra es capaz de despeñarse por el camino antes de seguir subiendo a la cima.