Como en este hilo se hablo del Bantleon copio y pego lo que puse en otro hilo sobre mi reciente contacto con la gestora por email.
Les he escrito a la gestora para preguntarles la actual exposicion a RV y me contestan:
"Currently the exposure is 20%, which is rather extraordinary, as usually we have an exposure of 0% or 40%. There was a discretionary intervention to reduce the equity overlay by half due to the market turmoil, otherwise the current exposure would be 40% following our quantitative models.
Actualmente, la exposición es de 20%, que es bastante extraordinario, ya que por lo general tenemos una exposición del 0% o 40%. Hubo una intervención discrecional para reducir la superposición de acciones a la mitad debido a la turbulencia de los mercados, de lo contrario la exposición actual es del 40% después de los modelos cuantitativos.
Además les he pedido explicaciones por la bajada, me contestan:
"I can briefly explain the current standing of the fund. As usually stock markets rise and bond markets fall when the economy is strong and vice versa, the aim of the fund is to adopt the business cycle and to be invested in the currently favorable market. However, sometimes markets do not behave logically in terms of the economy theorem and both markets rise or fall at the same time, which happened in June. Of course, quantitative models do react with a certain delay only, thus, the fund BOL also suffered from this situation. However, the management method of Bantleon Opportunities L (BOL) had been able to substantially absorb the impact of the market turmoil on the fund, but could not prevent it completely. Of course it is important to emphasize, that the equity market trends sideward since May meanwhile the yields hiked strongly. Hence there was no alpha source at hand helping the fund to recover from its losses."
Da gusto que te den este tipo de explicaciones.