
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

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Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
164 suscriptores
Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés
7.085 / 19.000

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

En general, no quiero volver a los posts de hace 12 meses y volver a entrar en los detalles de bajo nivel del sector.

Ya que citas a Nordic American Tankers, es una castaña tremenda. Tremendísima.

El principal parámetro de valoración de una tanquera es el valor de sus activos. Esto es un arma de doble filo precisamente en aquellos casos en los que los activos están en la parte final de su vida. En estos casos, en la parte baja del ciclo ...... la valoración se deprime de forma acelerada (es bueno recordar los desplomes de NAT y por qué). En una recuperación del ciclo, lo primerísimo que se recupera (antes que los propios rates) es es valor de los activos pero siguen siendo incluso más cercanos al final de su vida.

Ese es el caso de NAT. Es una bomba de relojería.

¿sabes de donde va a salir el dinerito para renovar la flota?

Freedom is driven by determination


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSE: MCF) today announced the execution of agreements with a select group of institutional and accredited investors, including certain funds and accounts advised by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., to sell 19,000,000 shares of common stock in a private placement. Concurrently with the common stock offering, the Company entered into agreements with affiliates of John C. Goff, Chairman of the Board, Wilkie S. Colyer, Jr., President and CEO of the Company, and W. Farley Dakan, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development of the Company, to sell 2,340,000 shares of Series C preferred stock, which rank pari passu with the Company’s common stock and which will automatically convert into common stock upon approval of the Company’s shareholders. The Company expects to receive gross proceeds from the equity capital raise of $53.35 million, which it intends to use for general corporate purposes, including capital expenditures under the Company’s concurrently announced Joint Development Agreement with Juneau Oil & Gas, LLC. The closing is expected to occur on December 23, 2019.

Wilkie S. Colyer, Contango’s President and CEO, said “We are excited to welcome T. Rowe Price as an institutional investor, and we are appreciative of the continued support of many of our existing shareholders as well. To be able to raise capital in what is a very challenging environment for our industry is a testament to the quality of our shareholder base and is a competitive advantage for Contango.”

Contango Oil & Gas (MCF) Announces Signing of Joint Development Agreement With Juneau Oil & Gas, LLC
December 20, 2019 9:11 AM
Contango Oil & Gas Company (NYSE: MCF) announced today that the Company entered into a Joint Development Agreement with Juneau Oil & Gas, LLC (“Juneau”) to develop certain exploration prospects in the offshore Gulf of Mexico shelf.

The Joint Development Agreement provides that the Company will have the right to acquire an interest in all of Juneau’s prospects located in the Gulf of Mexico for aggregate consideration of $6.0 million, consisting of $1.69 million in cash and $4.31 million in stock consideration. The first such prospect to be acquired by the Company, the Iron Flea, is located in the Grand Isle Block 45 Area, which management currently estimates could have an expected reserve potential of approximately 19 MMBoe (86% oil) net to Contango’s interest. The Company has elected to acquire approximately 85-90% of Juneau’s working interest in such prospect, and we expect the dry hole cost of the exploration well, net to Contango’s interest after project payout, to be $6.3 million. More information on the Iron Flea, which we anticipate drilling in the second quarter of 2020, can be found in our most recent corporate presentation on our website. During the term of the Joint Development Agreement, Contango will also have the right to acquire an interest in all future Juneau-generated prospects located in the Gulf of Mexico, on similar terms and conditions, subject to the execution of an Advisory Services Agreement, after the first well has been drilled. Juneau will deliver to the Company no less than an 80% net revenue interest (proportionately reduced to Juneau’s interest) on all acquired prospects, excluding the Iron Flea prospect to be acquired by the Company.

Wilkie S. Colyer, the Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer, said, “We are delighted to announce that we are partnering again with Brad and his team at Juneau Oil and Gas. They have a long history of successful prospect generation, including discovering the Dutch and Mary Rose Field which continues to be an important contributor to Contango’s reserves and cash flow even today. This will not distract or deter us from continuing to look for distressed, onshore, PDP and cash flow heavy assets to acquire, but it instead complements that strategy quite well in our opinion. Given the discount rate at which we are able to acquire these lower risk, onshore assets, we expect our returns for exploratory wells will be higher. Of course, investors should recognize that exploratory drilling is inherently risky, and the Iron Flea well could be unsuccessful. Should our initial test well prove successful and the production levels reach what we currently expect, we believe the Iron Flea economics rival any play in the onshore United States.”

Brad Juneau, the President of Juneau Oil and Gas, said, “Our entire team could not be more excited to reconnect with our original partner Contango Oil & Gas, which Ken Peak and I started back in 1999. Contango and Juneau made several notable discoveries from inception, highlighted by the discovery of the Gulf of Mexico field Dutch Mary Rose that Wilkie referenced. I’m honored to have the opportunity to work with Wilkie and his management team as they grow the Company, and as a demonstration of our faith in his team we have taken most of our upfront reimbursement in Contango stock and not cash.”

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP acted as legal advisor to the Company in connection with the Joint Development Agreement

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

Para los que la habíais dejado escapar ahí la teníais abriendo a -30%. Ha recuperado algo y supongo que ira subiendo a lo largo de la sesión. Si alguno vendió ayer le ha tocado el gordo.

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

 Compañero, el post no iba por ti, te entiendo 100% y estoy en tu onda en ese aspecto. 

Solo queria dejar constancia del detalle de la situacion, las ironias de la vida, y la aleatoriedad de las inversiones. 


Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

que le cambien el nombre a la empresa y la llamen “AK Oil & Gas Company” 

Menos mal que tras AK y AK cerrada, sube la accion, porque sino...

Coincido en el que dice que tienen pinta de hacer una gran compra. 

Re: Cobas AM: Nueva Gestora de Francisco García Paramés

No sé si lo habeis comentado estos días.
Cómo va la porra del VL de Cobas?
Ya está aquí el 31/12.
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