Re: Nueva Tarjeta Curve ¡Una ideaza!
El cajero solo ve la Curve. No ve la tarjeta que hay detrás.
It's worth noting that cash withdrawal or cash advance fees might apply to your selected payment card. We pass through Merchant Category Code (MCC) information to your card issuer, so they can also see whether or not you have withdrawn cash. Check your card issuer's terms and conditions for whether any fees apply.
Also keep in mind that some ATMs will charge fees to use them, so we recommend you to read through the on-screen prompts carefully.
Vale la pena señalar que pueden aplicarse cargos por retiro de efectivo o adelanto de efectivo a la tarjeta de pago seleccionada. Transmitimos la información del Código de categoría de comerciante (MCC) al emisor de su tarjeta, para que también puedan ver si ha retirado o no efectivo. Verifique los términos y condiciones del emisor de su tarjeta para ver si se aplican cargos.
También tenga en cuenta que algunos cajeros automáticos cobrarán tarifas por usarlos, por lo que le recomendamos que lea detenidamente las instrucciones en pantalla.
Also, keep in mind that at the moment you're unable to add the same card details twice anywhere in Curve. Even if your card is from a joint account and your cards have the same number, you won't be able to add the card to Curve if a card from this account was added to another Curve account.