
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
2.936 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA

Bueno si, este listo que dice que va largo en ambas, tendrá en su cartera un 1% ARNA y un 99% VVUS porque lo veo demasiado corto....

EDITO: Espera que le den el OK en Europa, verás donde se va la cotización (sin ventas todavia).


Re: Farmas USA

Vaya pedradas han metido a Zalicus. Caida contundente y con volumen, feo, feo. Nos mandan al infierno again.


Re: Farmas USA

Yo entré en Septiembre a 0.81 y he decidido no tocarla puesto que es muy perra. De momento solo se mueve 100% a golpe de noticia, es una pena pero es asi, por lo que no queda mas remedio que "hold until news" si quieres tenerla en cartera. A mi me da confianza, asi que mantendre aunque vuelva a los 0.6X

Saludos !


Re: Farmas USA

ARNA Obesity Action Council recommends BELVIQ to DEA

OAC has written a letter to DEA dated January 13, 2013 recommending BELVIQ be made available ASAP. Following is part of the letter:

The 2012 approval of Belviq by the FDA marked the first time that the agency had approved an obesity drug in the last 13 years. The OAC and the obesity community applauded the FDA for this decision and urged the agency to move swiftly inbringing newly approved obesity drugs to market -- to better assist the millions of Americans affected by this disease who desperately need access to a variety of treatment tools.

As the DEA moves forward in the scheduling process, the OAC urges the agency to recognize the necessity of making this treatment avenue available to the indicated population as quickly as possible. Obesity is a complex, multifactorial chronic disease and it carries with it a large number of related life threatening conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension,heart disease, certain cancers, and sleep apnea.

The FDA acknowledges the public health risks of untreated obesity as evidenced by the language used by the agency in its press release accompanying approval of Belviq where CDER Director Janet Woodcock stated that, “obesity threatens theoverall well being of patients and is a major public health concern.”

the letter also states, "...Should the DEA finalize the rule as proposed, the OAC recommends that the effective date occur on the same day as the publication of the final rule in order to make Lorcaserin available for medical use as soon as possible as we believe conditions of public health and safety necessitate an earlier effective date."

ARNA was just mentioned on CNBC...


Re: Farmas USA

Entrando sangre azul desde hace días, RSI y MACD en posición para el ascenso.

Y esto que es?
El Martillo de Thor??
La teoría dice:
"Es una vela de cambio de tendencia de bajista a alcista, pero precisa ser confirmada con la siguiente vela que debe tener un cierre a niveles más altos del precio y, preferiblemente abriendo con gap o formando una gran vela blanca."