
Farmas USA

135K respuestas
Farmas USA
85 suscriptores
Farmas USA
5.153 / 17.016

Re: Farmas USA


Al final te vas a salir con la tuya y ésta va a ser la que te pague la jubilación. :-)


Re: Farmas USA


Dios te oiga, pero para eso tendría que verlas a 5 pavos y amputarme los dedos antes.

Edito: no se sabe si es un lapsus o no, pero uno de los ponentes habló de inicio de "fase III", y teniendo en cuenta que esta es I/II pivotal dicen que podríamos dar el salto directo.


Me soltaron unas míseras 800 a 1,28. Os sigo.

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»


Re: Farmas USA

sí, el lunes saldremos de dudas si es un retroceso para cargar los más listos o es una corrección profunda. de todas formas la importante es la línea roja, es la que te dará doblones si la rompe de una vez.

efecto tango le llaman, ni que fuera una sorpresa lo de Argentina eso ya se estaba viendo en plena subida desde hace meses, pero tienen que justificar los giros. yo le pondría efecto Violetta no te jode.


Re: Farmas USA

Igual mañana puedes cargar todas las que quieras. aezs

actc esta en precio de compra por debajo de 0,06 a ver si puedo pillar en 0,055.


Re: Farmas USA


Presentación en EURETINA

"Human embryonic stem cell derived RPE transplantation for age related macular degeneration and Stargardt:

Slide 21
"Study Objective: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of HESC derived RPE Cellular Therapy in patients with advanced AMD and SMD.

Slide 44: RESULTS

- 32 Patients Treated - Last 6 in better VA Group
- No Safety Signals Observed
- No hyperproliferation - 2 with some preretinal cells
- No teratomas
- No immune rejection - No Uveitis at any stage
- No visual loss
- No retinal detachment

Minute 10:40 - He talks for a minute or two about engraftment, and basically states that they have visual evidence that the cells are engrafting. (Note: during the Q&A at minute 17:00 he gets a follow-up question asking how many patients saw auto-floressence.... he answered "all these patients saw auto-floressence".... which IMO means engraftment.

Minute 11:50 - He starts talking about the results and after first qualifying that its hard to measure functional improvements, he states that "all of the patients improved".

Minute 13:40 - He reads the "No visual loss" bullet off slide 44 and re-states "all the patients had some functional improvement".

Minute 13:45 - This was my favorite part of his presentation, as he discussed slide 46 where he listed 3 "critiques" of the trials by some of the naysayers. So he starts by reading the 3 critiques on slide 46.... then he states... and I quote... "we take these critiques seriously.... however.... this study so far has shown very promising anatomical and functional results."

Minute 16:30 (Q&A) - Talks about how he can't talk too much about the functional results, and that a 2nd paper is coming in the NEJM.

Very positive update.

Updated one word at minute 13:40 after a second listen. He said "all the patients had some functional improvement". -> (when the Dr. states "all patients saw visual improvements" I believe he's referring to slide 42 and is stating that all patients had either a subjective improvement in acuity, color or contrast... and perhaps all 3. The Dr. did not state that ALL patients saw improvements in "visual acuity" which I think is an important distinction to make.... and is consistent with what ACTC has reported previously that the majority of the patients (not all) had improved visual acuity. )

En cualquier caso, fase I completada más que con éxito. Podéis subiros al tren antes de que salga. (Recuerdo: dilución en ciernes.)

«Después de nada, o después de todo/ supe que todo no era más que nada.»