
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.082 / 3.346

Re: Fidelity

Sería interente tener este tipo de información cuando la acción se revalorice mucho. Es decir, poder consultar si este fondo, cuando la acción se revalorice un 100%, sigue manteniendo en cartera todas estas acciones ó suelta lastre.

Suerte a todos


Re: Programa de Excel para IB, (Tolomeo y Maximiliano

Buneas, os importaria compartir informacion sobre los programas que teneis en conexion con IB a través de API, os estaria muy agradecido cierta informacion a ser posible realizarla, es muy sencilla, pero no he podido hacerla, se trata de extraer las compras y ventas realizadas en un minuto o mas y o en su defecto tick a tick, para pasarla a un hoja excel y ver las diferencias entre ellas para plasmarla despues en un grafico, bueno esto ultimo lo he dessarrollado, pero me falta ese punto para concretar. Os lo pido si es posible hacerlo, porque yo no he sido capaz, gracias de antemano por cualquier respuesta. Saludos.


Re: Programa de Excel para IB, (Tolomeo y Maximiliano

Los bonistas se oponen chicos!!!!!!!!!

Parece que salvamos la match ball!!


Re: Programa de Excel para IB, (Tolomeo y Maximiliano

Lo de los bonistas WMB era de esperar. La negativa de FDIC ha sido la noticia sorpresa. La juez debe estar de muy mala ostia, haber si saca el martillo de una vez el 6 de abril, además con la moción del Venable presentada.


Re: Programa de Excel para IB, (Tolomeo y Maximiliano

Independientemente de los bonistas lo importante para nosotros es lo que haga el EC y ver si nos apoya la juez. Recordemos que el EC no tiene ningún aliado, ni ahora la FDIC ni los bonistas, aquí nadie tiene amigos.



JPM could be Hit Hard

"We believe that JPM could be hit hard with the outcome of the legal dispute since it is already significantly exposed to risks and uncertainties associated with the integration of its acquisitions. Given the continued market volatility and uncertainty, the company may need to take additional markdowns and provide for allowances for loan losses on the assets and loans acquired from the Bear Stearns merger and from the acquisition of WaMu’s banking operations."



Re: Programa de Excel para IB, (Tolomeo y Maximiliano

¿J.Dimon no es nuestro amigo? Jo! Con lo bueno que es y todo lo que ha hecho por nosotr@s. :-P



Dimon may be in the worst place in his life, Rosen and Weil are now buffoons..IMHO, they are in an untenable position and there is the possibility that Dimon has Federal problems which collectively, may start his great slide down, as his power ebbs with an eddy of problems.

But the best of all, is the view from hereon, if Venable can drop a couple of bombs including the hint of Sanctions against Rosen, as I believe his "deceit" to the court is overwhelming. Rosen helped rig this entire fiasco with possibly the "help" of JPM "somebody" got to Rosen with promises for the future and it's about to blow up in his face. I sent Rosen an e mail two week ago and told him "he's a total lowlife and his legacy is going to look like @#$%"!

The Hedge funds are going to play hardball and more than likely back the EC, where their voice can be heard and they are no stranger to JPM,(Appaloosa Investment L.P. I, et al. v. J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc., et al.)Appaloosa, is a renegade fund headed by Tepper and he is a weasel who will squirm out of an agreement on a whim, but he is also vicious in his greed for money and will be an EC supporter to make his stock valuable and visions come about.

All the funds, (Fidelity came aboard with a $17 million dollar purchase 3/26/10) as well as Bonderman (controls 230,000,000 million shares) may now see the opportunity to not only recover huge amounts of money lost, but ride on a new company loaded with assets and no debt. JPM has the assets to make good and there is now a drop of Jamie's blood in the water and I think Bonderman and the Chinese can smell there way out, as well as Sheila Bair because she has someone to pick up the tab and blame for the WaMu debacle..IF VENABLE STRIKES HARD he can now control the destiny of WMI.

Judge Walrath (IMHO) is definetly hip to Rosen and may be ROFLAO at this very minute. Expect her to do right on a case of this magnitude. I have always stated that JPM and Rosen will hang by there own petards..and we will see that happen, call it KARMA !