
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.105 / 3.346

Re: Rumores sobre la saida del EC de Joyce

Visto de ese punto de vista, pues bien. Lo de la salida de Joyce en un momento tan crucial no es una buena noticia desde luego. Esta persona tiene información de primera mano y ahora es libre de vender sus acciones, pero quien sabe que hay detrás de esta dimisión.


Re: Rumores sobre la saida del EC de Joyce

Si este rumor se confirma, para mi malisima noticia, nos quedamos con un voto honrado menos en el EC, y siempre tendremos la duda de porque abandona justo ahora cuando en teoría estamos tan cerca del final.



Re: Rumores sobre la saida del EC de Joyce

From Joyce

I no longer post on yahoo because I picked up a few viruses from here and would not risk info on my computer...and I still feel the same way, so I am afraid you won't see me here after this post.

I appreciate your thanks and gratitude. I have my own personal reasons for hanging it up. I will not discuss ANYTHING so don't even bother asking.

In re whether I can trade or not, NOT THAT IT IS ANYONE"S BUSINESS, is a question I have addressed to the DOJ...

DO NOT take this to mean I plan on trading, selling, buying or anything, I just want to know the legal boundaries of what I can and cannot do. It is called CYA.

One thing I cannot do is discuss any EC info or any WAMU info that is not 100% public knowledge. I did get permission to make the announcement of my resignation so that the rumors would not fly once it is in the court documents.

The sky is not falling, stop freaking out...and please stop other people from freaking is business as usual and we have a case to win.

It has been a long haul since Oct 08, and there are many reasons I stepped down. I will not discuss it further.

I do at times miss some of my special friends from this board {MAD} but cannot tolerate some of the other stuff that goes on here and especially the risk of viruses...and that is the ONLY reason I have stopped posting here...

So please don't feel like I have been trying to slight anyone, or keep anything a secret, I just need to protect my computer (and my sanity from bashers and idiots....and you guys know exactly who you are LOL)

Have a good day, and don't worry.

We have an EC and they will do what they are mandated to do by law.


Re: Rumores sobre la saida del EC de Joyce

Yo me quedo con esto:

The sky is not falling, stop freaking out...and please stop other people from freaking is business as usual and we have a case to win.

Parecen palabras pacificadoras. De todos modos, si el panorama estuviera tan negro, yo creo que varios miembros se querrían dar de baja del EC, ¿no creéis?


Mensaje oficial de Joyce en ghost

I wanted to let folks know that I resigned from the committee effective yesterday. I make this announcement only to prevent all the speculation that will result when this information is entered into the court files. Sometimes I have really had to laugh at some of the wild speculation on the boards when various things happened in the court case that I knew the reasons for and you didn' please don't let your imaginations run wild, OK?

I will not discuss the reasons, but it became clear to me I could not be effective in helping the committee reach the goals it needs to achieve, and that continuing on in that capacity was just going to cause me untold additional stress and be counterproductive to the success of the committee.

Please do not PM me or email me about it, I will not discuss it. Those who need to know the entire circumstances surrounding this already know.


Re: Mensaje oficial de Joyce en ghost

Esto habla de disidencias dentro de la EC. También habla del éxito de la comisión. Esto es un golpe para todos y dice que las cosas están discutidas. Veremos que pasa, pero ayudar no ayuda.


Re: Mensaje oficial de Joyce en ghost

Quien tenga acceso a ghost, hay todo un hilo con Joyce contestando a los foreros. En un principio ella alega dejar el EC por motivos personales, ya que está cansada despues de 18 meses de duro trabajo. Por otra parte tampoco puede decir mucho más ya que los acuerdos de confidencialidad siguen vigentes.



Re: Mensaje oficial de Joyce en ghost

Está bien pero asumió en enero, lo que quiere decir que se suman 2,5 meses más. Pero bueno veremos que pasa el lunes.

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