Seriously, just settle down and hold your horses. After clearing my head and giving everything that has transpired some thought, I too am thinking we'll see PJS's work product soon. This is why I am not overly excited or bent out of shape right now. Everything up to now has just been a sideshow.
A 506(a) valuation hearing is where it will at last be our time to shine; this is where we'll win. For example, as Willingham is well aware because he was there, the valuation hearing in Mirant took approximately 5 weeks. During this hearing we can bring in an expert i.e. Solomon to show the court as much as possible using generally accepted valuation methodologies that the GSA is neither fair nor equitable. The debtors and the rest of the legion will more than likely have Blackstone showing as little as possible.
This will be the most dangerous time for the conspirators and this is when there will finally be extreme pressure to "S" and make this go away. Of course Susman knows all this and that is why they are just patiently sitting back and waiting for the right time to pounce. Examiner report or not, this is still a long way from being over, the valuation hearing is where the real fun begins. JMHO
Also, in the Visteon case, they decided to settle with equity rather than face a valuation hearing. Later, after the new company began to trade again, our own Kevin Starke of CRT Capital recommended his clients buy the new shares. One can only guess how many assets they were hiding in that case.
La diferencia es que en el caso Visteon el informe del examiner fue favorable a la equidad... aquí nos ha partido las piernas con un hacha.