
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.350 / 3.346

IRS Ruling 7.8 Billon $$$$ (30% de $26 Billones)

IRS Ruling on Worthless stock, March 7, 2011
Up until late last month, the Internal Revenue Service's view of a bank's primary business activity might have been characterized as clipping coupons from its bonds. Since banks' main source of income is interest - and interest was inherently a "passive" way of earning income - the IRS wrote off banks as mere holding or investing companies with no real business activities. On the evidence of a letter ruling released on February 25, that view has radically changed.

In the ruling, LTR 201108001, the IRS truly determined for perhaps the first time that a bank constitutes an operating company. While the IRS doesn't identify the parties it's referring to in such rulings, this one appears to be the one that Washington Mutual Inc. requested from the IRS concerning the character of its loss resulting from the worthlessness of its stock in Washington Mutual Bank. One of the key questions in that case was whether the worthless stock held by Washington Mutual Inc. is eligible for ordinary loss treatment for the purposes of bankruptcy recovery.

In any event, the ruling means that certain owners of worthless securities can take an ordinary loss rather than a capital loss on such stock - and gain a good deal of flexibility in tax reporting as a result. That's because capital losses are much narrower than ordinary losses in terms of their ability to offset gains. While ordinary losses can be used to offset either capital gains or ordinary gains on a tax form, capital losses can be used to offset only capital gains.

The case at hand involves a parent company, which we'll call ParentBank, and a subsidiary, SubBank. SubBank, which, according to the IRS, "provided a broad range of banking services," was seized by the Office of Thrift Supervision and placed into receivership of the Federal Deposit Insurance Company. The FDIC then sold SubBank's assets to another company, "BuyerBank." As a result of the seizure and the asset sale, ParentBank and a nonbanking subsidiary, "NonBank," filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.

In the receivership sale, BuyerBank bought practically all of SubBank's assets and assumed all its deposits and other of its liabilities for cash in a taxable transaction. The ParentBank group reported a net loss on its consolidated income tax return related to the receivership sale.

ParentBank had reported that more than 90% of SubBank's aggregate gross receipts for all taxable years have been from interest income on, and gains from the sale of, real estate loans (including mortgage-backed securities) and consumer loans; service charges, fees, commissions; and other non-interest income from operations. All such gains qualified for ordinary income treatment under Sec. 582(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, according to the IRS.

The service concluded that SubBank's loss from the worthlessness of its S stock would be an ordinary loss, rather than a capital loss. In doing so, the service essentially ruled that Congress really didn't intend for such rulings to turn on a black-and-white decision. Instead, Congress intended that we analyze the activities that the company undertook to earn that interest income. If those activities are business activities, then the corporation should not be penalized for the interest income it has earned. Interest income, in short, is no longer inherently passive.


Re: Más objeciones al DS y Discovery de los Hedge Funds a Nate Thomas

Como siempre la juez rechazará las objeciones que obstruyen a los debtors para dar via libre al POR. El momento clave para que ellos se queden los restos de la Compañía esta cercano.


Re: Más objeciones al DS y Discovery de los Hedge Funds a Nate Thomas

Bueno hoy es el día de la fe ciega de Simpson, tic tac...



Re: Más objeciones al DS y Discovery de los Hedge Funds a Nate Thomas

Habra que esperar hasta 5pm hora usa para ver que presenta el EC
El hearing de hoy solo ha sido para dejar todo para el 21 marzo


Re: a tener en cuenta

Sentencia sobre una moción presentada en Delaware por Comité oficial del Washington Mutual de tenedores de equidad, juez Mary Walrath dijo la suspensión automática para los litigios que se aplica a las empresas en quiebra no puede prohibir accionistas de ejercer sus derechos de control corporativo."

"Susman dijo a los accionistas que acudir a los tribunales en Washington el jueves pidiendo a un juez allí para la convocación de una reunión anual.

"Es nuestra esperanza que podemos conseguir este hecho tan pronto como sea posible," dijo Presidente de la Comisión de equidad Michael Willingham, que testificaron que compró acciones de más de un millón de WMI el año pasado después de su presentación de quiebra".


Re: a tener en cuenta

La llave de la puerta que no se abre o la espada de el nudo gordiano es que se lleve a cabo una junta de accionistas, hay jurisprudencia al respecto ,Susman lo sabe, es por eso quiere ir a los tribunales de washington, es decir llevarlo a su cancha alli con con concha los va a reventar NO SER QUE ESTOS HUJOS DE PUTA YA HAYAN ADQUIRIDO LA MAYORIA DE ACCIONES COMUNES, habla pues BESUGO


Re: a tener en cuenta

THJMW: "I can only deal with what jurisdiction I have over... individual shareholders and creditors are not able to have attorney's appointed for them. There is a committee that represents shareholders and creditors and those committees have done a very good job of articulating their client's positions. I did listen to their concerns in making my ruling and have given right to discovery to equity committee. I did hold in my opinion that individual releases could not be approved. There may be remaining causes of actions. Shareholders meeting, parties have asked the judge to hold off on that issue. (Puts blame on EC)."

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