
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.412 / 3.346

Bopfan contraataca :)

People here have been so traumatized by the disappointments of the past 31 months that even when things have drastically improved for equity skepticism and fear prevent them from seeing the radically improved circumstances.

It is impossible for me to overstate the importance of Nate Thoma's contribution. Through his brilliant analysis (the court could not conceal her admiration for him, and the EC must have noticed this as well) and presentation he gave the EC the weapon that will, I contend, be the critical factor in this case: the inducement for the SNs to lay down their weapons and agree to share the spoils with equity.

When you want someone to do something, you can offer him (1) an inducement (i.e., financial gain) or (2) pain. (Indeed, many aspects of our legal system are designed with this fact in mind and they tend to work rather well.) In the case of the SNs, it's the latter and my theory that they will settle with the EC is based on the premise that the possibility of criminal prosecution (i.e., pain) will force them to compromise. (For the upteenth time, their respective criminal counsel are running the show and will NOT allow them to be deposed; their bankruptcy lawyers are only involved to effect the best settlement possible.)

Unless you believe they have NO fear of prosecution (i.e., that no one could consider illegal their purchases of $2.2B in securities after they received material, non-public information that would indicate those securities would increase in value) you understand that the SNs will settle with the EC to minimize their risk of criminal consequences.

The postponed depositions support the foregoing, and by early next week (the depositions are scheduled to commence Wednesday) we should know whether I'm right in asserting that the depositions will never take place.

If a settlement is in the works (and I expect so as I don't believe the EC will grant any more postponements) we may receive notice as early as next Monday, the date of the next Omnibus. In any event, we won't have long to wait.


Spot1Roth tb parece contento... :)

I fully believe that if Susman has NOT been compromised (nothing tells me he has); he is following a VERY lucrative path and the only path the EC is traveling. I say this because I believe in judging on one’s actions and the recent actions of three new EC members shows this case is going exactly according to Susman’s history of winning cases. No depositions have been (and never will be) taken, the cases total quietness and many more smaller but yet telling actions shows we are on the correct judicial path. I will not say when, but one can say and be exactly correct this case will end. It could go something like this and make your educated suggestion.

A. Over dramatically with a settlement.

B. Case blows wide open.

C. EC is sold out.

D. Case settled piecemeal.

E. Chambers meeting before/during the May 02, 2011 scheduled hearing some type of agreement happens.

F. The criminals could make an 8K filing suggesting that EC take control due to the above factors.

G. Plan on using current POR which will include Equity, thus ending 6/6/2011.

I strongly believe there will have to be something that takes place on May 02 as I would wager almost anything that these criminals will NEVER be deposed and yes I did say WILL NEVER be deposed. That means this could be over altogether or piecemeal with the criminals agreeing that the EC would take the case lead. This would make worldwide news and even though the criminals have been able to manipulate the media, they could NOT hold the price of WMI equities backs with any positive news involving equity. They could also keep the current POR and just add what they should have in the beginning, but anyway this happens will bring WORLDWIDE news to equity prices. I will go one step further and say this will be the single largest event that happens to a public traded company in the history of Wall Street, provided a settlement down to commons is in the cards. Patience, good luck, due diligence are still required and take care WaMuer’s as this WILL end and IMHO, we will be OK and Susman’s reputation will soar to new heights!


Próximo round 2 de mayo

Ojala tengan razón nuestros amigos más optimistas y el lunes le veamos el plumero a los Hedge Funds.

Mucha suerte a todos.

¿Ptolomeo sigues con nosotros? espero que todo en tu pais este bien con la familia...


Re: Próximo round 2 de mayo

Los ultimos coletazos de bombeo antes del colapso. Y deseando suerte a todos ¿Con esto crees arreglar el destrozo que has ocasionado?


Re: Próximo round 2 de mayo

jajajajajajaja ¿nervioso? yo siempre la deseo.

Periodo: 2 Mayo al 2 de Junio se decide este POR.

Días importantes 2 Mayo (Hearing), 4 Mayo (Aurelius) 5 Mayo (Appaloosa) 6 Mayo (Centerbridge) 9 Mayo (Owl Creek) (Depositions) si es que el lunes no comunican algo al respecto.

13 Mayo (Objeciones Susman + Fin Votaciones), 2 Junio (POR Confirmation si no se vuelve a retrasar)

Tenemos muchos temas por delante, una pena que la estrategia pueda ser poner las preferentes in the money y las comunes a pelear fuera de BK. Pronto tendremos noticias. El EC ahora mismo tiene 4 de sus 5 miembros fuertemente cargados de Preferentes por lo que si Willingham buscaba llevar el caso fuera de BK a lo mejor los planes se le han trastocado si los nuevos miembros apoyan las acciones llevadas a cabo por los accionistas.

Al final son los accionistas como Joyce, Nate Thoma, Gibson y Govinsider los que están allanando el camino para que veamos si quien nos defiende está a la altura de la reputación que le precede. El único problema es que hay que llegar al final para ver nuestra jugada y si la estrategia del silencio al final ha sido la correcta para doblegar a Rosen y los Hedge Funds.

Mucha suerte a todos en este mes decisivo.


Re: Próximo round 2 de mayo

Nervioso tu supongo y los estafados porque no ven recuperar lo perdido. ¿Preferentes "in the money"? si CERO A UNO % de su valor nominal segun el POR que es lo que vale y no cantos de sirena bopfanianos. Deja ya de engañar que huele a basura cada vez que das una previsión, no aciertas ni una majete.


Re: Próximo round 2 de mayo (la clave está en las facturas)

Ashby-Geddes carrying the mail:

3/18 - 6+ hours of reviewing docs produced by debtors re 2004 examination of SNH
3/18 - Destruction of Documents
3/18 - Tele conf with J Leamy re WMI Investment
3/18 - 1 hour call w/EC re status and strategy
3/18 - Preparation of timeline detailing involvement in settlement negotiations

IT by the SNH is obvious, the UST was properly informed, so...over to you DOJ

Longer and Stronger than

Ahora si estoy empezando a ponerme nervioso !!!!


Re: Próximo round 2 de mayo (la clave está en las facturas)

A las 3.30pm (9.30am USA) empieza el Hearing.
Hoy es un día bastante movidito con la noticia de la muerte de OSAMA Bin Laden, todos los focos apuntan a la Casa Blanca y Obama.

Ojalá y digo ojalá pueda el EC recuperar el control de este caso y le den la patada a Weil (eso si sería una gran noticia). Si los Hedge Funds cometieron Insider Trading y los indicios parecen apuntar que SI, nuestro caso debería dar un vuelco muy considerable en las próximas 2 semanas.

SNH could be/should be looking at
1. disallowment of a vast amount of their holdings
2. FJR on the rest
3. loss of control to EC

what do we suspect as wrong doing?

NSS and failure to include WAMU on list
Corporate espionage
OTS / FDIC illegal seizure
Lack of 3.1a and to close the purchase of WAMU
MM manipulation and SEC failures
Insider Trading
WG&M selling out equity
JPM and WG&M selling off WMI’s holdings

Some pretty heavy hitters on the list of bad guys and some really bad stuff that a lot of folks don’t want to see the light of day. Always thought that as much as possible stuff will be buried and in that light we are zombies, equity has refused to stay buried.

Those heavy hitters are not accustomed to losing and that just might be their undoing. This could have settled long ago - quickly and quietly -but it looking like infighting has kept that from happening. The ultimate prize for equity will be a total chit storm of those heavy hitters bashing away at each other while equity scoops up the cash and that would be your "single largest event that happens to a public traded company in the history of Wall Street".

Mucha suerte a todos