
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
2.629 / 3.346

Re: Mi posición para que quede clara a los Bashers

Manzana: Ya queda hecha tu aportación al tema para la posteridad.
Mi apuesta la llevo donde la tengo que tener. El como, el cuando y la manera de hacerlo la dire cuando tome la decisión. Ya he dicho las fechas que yo barajo si no hay noticias antes.


Los pensamientos de Spot1Roth (otro soñador)

At this point in time regarding the history of this case which is fast coming upon three years, I would have bet almost anything that Rosie would have NEVER thought that he would be in this position he now finds himself. We have several possibilities of which cancelling Equity seems to be VERY slim, even with a VERY corrupt system along with a VERY slanted Judge. I love how Susman seems to be working around this Judge setting up the possibility that even Rosie will not follow through on and that is POS POR 6+ without changes positive to Equity. This recent filing to me makes it almost impossible for Rosie to continue without committing absolute bankruptcy fraud. Now Weasel/Gotcha/Mangle have been officially notified well enough before attempting POS POR 6+ confirmation that MORE/OTHER assets that belong to the Estate have been found. I will not even talk value here, although there has to be SOME value with the NEW evidence called Estate assets.

Susman has also set Weasel/Gotcha/Mangle up for multi billions in malpractice lawsuits, misrepresenting Equity, failing at fiduciary responsibility, coercion and many more illegalities to numerous to mention. These documents have not only been served on Rosie but also on his co-conspirators like E&Y, who cannot say these newly found assets/evidence does NOT change the makeup and value of POR 6+. With all of this being served, there is no way people like E&Y will even try to rationalize newly found evidence is worthless and hiding behind only Rosie’s numbers is also illegal now that they too have been informed well in advance of the Confirmation Hearings on 7/13/2011 or later. I have said before several times after blacking all of this corruption out worldwide for almost three years, there is no way the Confirmation Hearings will happen on 7/13 without Equity included or later and have all of this corruption exposed. Not to mention if Rosie tries to push this ahead with NO changes, then this becomes immediate bankruptcy fraud and if the Judge allows since the court has also been informed of the newly found evidence, then she too should be taken down as an accomplice to these crimes against the very people who owns/owned WMI equities.

This travesty is fast narrowing down to what the criminal’s choices have left. If JPM/FDIC still want to throw Rosie and the Hedgies under the bus, then Rosie will have to pull WMI out of the G.S. Rosie could also try to buddy up with Susman, but you can bet that will not happen unless Rosie pulls WMI out of the G.S. immediately. Without changes to POS POR 6+, you can be GUARANTEED of one thing and that is POS POR 6+ CANNOT and WILL NOT go any further without changes. To do so would be tantamount to bankruptcy fraud and more. Many people I think have forgotten that JPM/FDIC COULD be working around Rosie and directly with Equity with Rosie being told by his boss JPM to let them handle the inside details and to be available when JPM/FDIC/Equity come to an agreement of some form. There are several possibilities but cancelling Equity is fast becoming an almost impossibility especially with TPS entering the fray with Equity who has NOT signed a confidentiality agreement with the criminals like Equity had to. This means all Equity has to do is hand TPS some vital tidbits and details that could end up as news in some major journals, thus forcing them to capitulate. There is one thing you can be assured of and that is Rosie will protect himself at all costs, even if that means Equity is in the money!


When Sheila Bair originally announced her departure, it was early June and this was announced I believe around the March/April time frame. Then recently (May) she announced that she would be leaving her post on July 8th, 2011. When most people announce they are leaving their position it is normally around the first of the month, the 15th of the month, the very end of the month, but the 8th of July to me seems strange. When one looks how Susman’s objections to the POS POR 6+ kept getting delayed and then finally filed but redacted in total seems to fall in line with Bair’s departure. All of the stars seem to be aligning to me. I just cannot see the Confirmation Hearing happening as most expect it. Once again the Criminals have kept this blacked out in total worldwide for almost three years, kept Susman’s objections from happening for numerous reasons and then we expect this to be discussed in total on 7/13. This will not happen or there would have been no reason to go to the extent the Criminals have to keep all of this from the public. What one will see, if any Confirmation Hearing at all will be an hour or two to formalize what was already agreed to.

When the Judge let TPS have access to the Equity Committee’s material, this put a dagger through the heart of Rosie, The Horsies and the rest. This was a clear shot that if they do not have an agreement that TPS will probably break this case wide open, thus exposing all of the Criminals and what actually happened in September of 2008. I knew POS POR 6+ was dead when Susman had hand delivered to Rosie and his alliances the valuation of WMI by PJS and BDO. There is no way Rosie will continue with POS POR 6+ without material changes, as I have said this is tantamount to bankruptcy fraud and there is no way Rosie is going down for any of these people. At the worst, he would pull WMI out of this so called Global Settlement. With the actions I have seen with Susman’s objections that kept getting delayed and then redacted in total, Sheila Bair twice announced departure and then final of 7/8/2011, Geithner’s potential departure soon and the date of 7/13 for the Confirmation Hearing that will only (IMHO) be a formality, this travesty is almost over.

I say almost over in terms of knowing that at least Equity WILL BE IN THE MONEY as opposed to being cancelled. It would seem that the Criminals all are planning on deep sixing this forever and in total. I WILL SAY this travesty will BE OVER between now and including 7/13 as far as knowing for sure that Equity WILL BE in the money. There are too many developments happening such as the recent decision for ANNICO to go after JPM and other very devastating actions that could actually blow this wide open and formally sink JPM. With Bair’s departure of Friday, Jul 8th, 2011, and the Confirmation Hearing slated for 7/13, it seems very apparent to me the stars have finally aligned. Really, when you look at the facts in front of us, the Criminals are down to VERY few choices if you are like me and feel that Rosie is NOT going to go ahead with this POS POR 6+ without material changes. This is due to him being FULLY informed of WMI’s assets more than once. Between now and 7/13, this will be very quiet, very few filings and will continue to look like NOTHING is happening and then one day between now and including 7/13, the huge announcement WILL BE MADE. Stay safe, enjoy the July 4th Holiday and above all, take care of the people fight to allow us our freedom!


Re: Los pensamientos de Spot1Roth (otro soñador)

Una visión interesante de la situación actual


Los dioses alborotados con la señal de Manzanilla


Estaba dudando con WAMU pero siempre cuando intervienes en forma histérica, hasta las comunes comienzan a subir.

Los dioses siempre me preguntan, qué dice en este momento Manzanilla? les digo que dices que se va perder todo, que hay que cerrar el hilo.

Es como si le dieras un palo al avispero porque todos los dioses se despiertan y se alborotan y comienzan a gritar: compra! compra! compra WAMU!

Gracias por tu señal, voy a esperar que bajen más y posiblemente entre. jejeje


Riesgo extremo en el peor momento de entrar o mantener.

Inmigrante veremos si Manzanilla tiene razon y todas las acciones se convierten en papel mojado, en cualquier caso entrar ahora bajen o no es un riesgo extremo ya que se va a decidir la supervivencia de las acciones o su muerte final, o sea una buena revalorizacion, entre comillas porque no deja de sorprendernos estas acciones, que en ocasiones con buenas noticias apenas han subido, a lo que iba esto, o perderlo todo. Demasiado riesgo para tan exigua ganancia porque si el POR es rechazado ¿Cuanto pueden subir las acciones? ¿Cuanto van a bajar si es confirmado? Esto ultimo si que se sabe por procesos similares donde las acciones desaparecen.


El maestro Kostolany decia...

Cuando haya sangre en las calles COMPRA ;-)


Re: El maestro Kostolany decia...

Vuelvo a repetir si confirma el POR derrumbe total. Si rechaza el POR igual sube un misero 30%. DEMASIADO RIESGO PARA TAN POCO. Los mas acojonados, los pillados que aguantan o venden parte o todo y vuelven a perder mas si cabe.


Re: El maestro Kostolany decia...

Ojalá OS dejen SIN UN CHAVO porque habéis sido avisados por activa y pasiva, pedazos de copypaste.