Rosen está nervioso... Motion to exclude EC Experts
"motion for an order shortening the notice and objection periods with respect to "debtors motion in limine to exclude portions of the experts reports and the testimony of the equity committees expert witnesses anders j. maxwell and kevin d. anderson""
page 5: "if the court declines to hear the motion to exclude at the confirmation hearing, the debtors would be irreparably prejudiced and their ability to move forward with a meaningful confirmation hearing would be jeopardized."
panic mode?
page 6:
"based on the foregoing, the debtors believe that cause exists for the motion to exclude to be heard on an expedited basis at the confirmation hearing, with objections beeing allowed up to and including the confirmation hearing"
what`s now, objections permitted, or objections allowed? and only objections against the motion to shorten, or objections against the motion to exclude, or both?
The way I read it is that:
a) they want to exclude the last 2 EC's tax experts
b) they will accept objections to their objection up until tomorrow's court date
c) they want JMW to hear their objection to exclude the EC's last 2 tax experts to prevent the EC from admitting this evidence.
Must be some powerful stuff that the EC provided for use of the NOL's that Rosenturd is trying to exclude from being exposed. His reason for wanting to exclude this is that the EC figured it out too late and didn't meet the 14 day requirement for evidence prior to the start of trial.
How on earth is this sheet that Rosenturd says even allowed to be considered? It's mind boggling. It's like saying judge, we found the gun but that gun with matching fingerprints should not be allowed to be used as evidence because they found it too late? WTF kind of logic is this?
Again, if JMW excludes this portion of the EC testimony, it just shows another impropriety, which can be appealed, yet again.